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What is Critical Illness Insurance
It's what most people would need should they ever contract a critical illness (e.
, stroke, heart attack, cancer etc.
) and survive the ordeal or diagnosis for 30 days.
With few exceptions, a person must simply live for 30 days beyond the date of diagnosis.
That's it! Then a tax-free lump sum is paid out to you - hassle free.
What are the chances of contracting a critical illness you ask? Well, here are a few startling statistics: In Canada, 1 in 2 will contract some form of cancer; 1 in 2 heart attack victims are under age 65; 1 in 3 stroke victims are under 65 and 3 out of 4 families are affected by a critical illness of one kind or another.
The good news is that 75% of stroke victims and 95% of heart attack victims survive the initial attack.
That means the passage of 30 days beyond diagnosis is almost a certainty.
But there's one more thing: The fact that a person survives a critical illness for 30 days may not mean they are going to be fully functional beyond that point.
Insurance money would provide the funds needed if, say, you're not able to perform normal tasks and need nursing care, or if you can't go back to work for many weeks or even months.
Or money may be needed for expensive ramps perhaps or other medical equipment.
Who knows? Trips out of country for more timely treatment are expensive.
We know we are living longer but the question you should ask yourself is are we all living better? Living longer significantly increases our risk of being put into a situation of poverty due to illness.
The best way to protect against such an event is to get a quote on critical illness insurance [http://www.
shtml] and speak with a professional about your needs.
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