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To Fast Or Not to Fast? That is the Main Question
Is this also applicable to those who are looking to lose some weight? This article will deal with the age old technique of fasting and we shall analyze its effectiveness in regards to losing weight.
First off, the most important thing I would like to say that if fasting is done in a properly planned and controlled manner, then positive results can be observed.
However, most of us don't do it "the right way" and so we rarely see any compensation in fasting when it comes to losing weight.
What we do achieve though, is to deprive our body of the most essential nutrients, thus opening doors to many other health related issues.
What actually happens when we fast is that our body doesn't get any energy and to compensate for it, the rate of metabolism is slashed hard.
Once we get back to our normal diet, our body tries to store back the energy that was used up during the fast.
Also, our defense mechanism starts acting up and readies our body for any further fasts.
This way it stores up more energy in the form of fat and thus we start gaining weight in large amounts.
This is why fasting is many times ineffective when one is aiming at losing weight.
Then again, if that same fasting is done in a proper manner, it shows its advantages in the form of a clean and systematically working digestive system.
This means that the amount of energy used for any activity is limited and thus our intake is reduced to what is actually need.
So, fasting can indeed benefit our overall health.
It has been proven from time to time that fasting is the best way to get our digestive system on track, and thus, a proper weight loss plan can be initiated by it.
This, of course, doesn't mean that fasting is a complete solution for someone who is trying to lose weight.
Fasting is much beneficial in cases where the body is filled up with impurities and toxic materials.
It not only gets the digestive system to work properly, but also cleans out our body and these toxic materials are thrown out.
One has to be on a very strict schedule if he or she is trying to lose large chunks of weight through fasting.
Even though benefits can be seen initially, unfortunately, they are only temporary.
With proper planning and sincere execution, results CAN actually be noticed in the long run.
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