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Dangers Of Microwaves
What is most alarming is that the studies were so few despite the fact that microwave ovens are being used some decades now. If the government and multi-national firms are placing a veil on the truth just so they can create a steady profit out of the microwave business, then they're to be held in charge of the health hazards that people have been subjected to for years.
Some studies have already proven that microwave heating can lead to significant molecular modifications in our food. Microwaves use electromagnetic radiation that causes molecular friction, and this friction decimates the minerals and phytonutrients that are naturally contained in food. In fact, there was a study that came into the undeniable conclusion that up to 97% of the nutrients in foods can be destroyed through the operation of microwave heating.
In 1991, there was a tragic and well-documented case involving a hip a surgical operation patient, Norma Levitt, who has undergone blood transfusion and has died owing to the microwave heating of the blood that was supposed to save her lifetime. Heating blood before a transfusion is a normal routine in hospitals, but not through the use of microwave ovens. This is a testament to the fact that considerable electrochemical changes do occur to substances that are cooked through a microwave oven, more specifically to the food we eat.
It is no secret that excessive weight is still a big problem mainly in the United States of The States, and this could be attributed to the truth that American citizens are the staunchest users of microwave ovens. While fixation to junk food is one of the major aspects, the widespread use of microwave ovens has put into the detriment of the American population's overall health. Current statistics show that 60% of the American population is viewed obese.
If this rate is to decline, a major overhaul is required in as much as eating habits. This is a difficult prospect owing to the multi-national industries that directly and indirectly promote the use of microwave ovens, and what's alarming is the reason that this excessive weight epidemic is continuing to spread throughout the world as a consequence of the heavy influence of these companies.
You can do yourself a big favor by finally getting rid of that microwave sitting in your kitchen. You may claim that you're in perfect health even through decades of using a microwave oven, but you may never know until you've felt the long-term effects. Save yourself while you still can.
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