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The Importance of Educational Qualification!
Education is must for any human being to be empowered. Education plays a vital role in shaping a person or forming attitude regarding an issue or to be a better judge of situations. Education facilitates flourished civilizations to make contact with other civilizations and exchange thoughts as well as to carry out business. Globalization is partly dependent on education. Education makes one independent and enables them to communicate effectively with the rest of the world. Education is no longer an elite thing it is now available for all. Government initiatives and several NGOs are striving to educate at least a person from each family.
Why Educational Qualification is Important?
Education is not all about how much one scores in their term papers but it determines ones awareness about the world. To be educated means that the person is aware of their surroundings- what is happening in the world, what is best for them and enables them to judge a situation from wrong to right. Man being a social animal it needs to co-exist in clusters - society. Educational qualification is an important marker of your social status than your religion, caste or creed. Since, society consists of various kinds of people one needs to know how to deal with them, education enables them that.
Framing a Dissertation Outline:
A dissertation is usually written by a candidate hoping to get a doctoral degree. Candidates must remember that a dissertation or a thesis is actually a hypothesis and they have to talk either against or for the hypothesis. While writing a dissertation outline one must remember that it is a formal document and thus one must refrain from using jokes or puns. Also, avoid using words such as, €perfect€, €good€, €bad€ or even €true€ and €pure€ because it is considered judgmental. One must also keep in mind that the outline should be written in active voice and should also be written in resent tense as it makes a greater impact on the reader. One must be very careful while using words such as €must€, €always€, €should€ as they are tricky. Grammar is essential. Sentences should be grammatically impeccable. Avoid praising or criticizing a thesis, let the reader be the judge of that. Minimize the usage of colloquial terms as much as possible. Thus, a proper dissertation outline reflects the educational qualification simply because the articulation in writing the dissertation is evidence enough of one's educational qualification. The fact that one kept in mind is the rules and regulation while writing the dissertation, which determines that they were aware of their external surroundings and know what is €right€ from €wrong€. Writing a dissertation is no longer comparing experimental data but to analyze the knowledge critically from the data obtained and this is something that every dissertation writer believes in.
Thus, education helps one become independent, self sufficient and knowledgeable. It helps empower people from various aspects of life. It also demarcates one's position in the society. Education stands for knowledge, awareness about the world and its issues and not merely your score in a certain term paper.
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