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Breast Cancer Check
Second cancer in American women, breast cancer leading cause of death, lung cancer is the first time. According to the American Cancer Society, only about 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are hereditary. It is estimated that about 75 breast cancer, women who have no risk factors occur per cent. Male breast cancer is a rare event, but often there.
Breast cancer is a malignant, than the beginning of abnormal cells duplicate their control. Often with the milk ducts into the nipple of breast cancer. It also produces breast milk pouch can be formed. Breast cancer is not a slow growth or aggressive growth is a fast and nearby lymph nodes may also spread to more distant areas can be performed.
In order to provide early treatment is very important signal and can identify breast cancer symptoms.
1. Breast cancer is usually a thickening or her breast or armpit area around the lump found in people.
2. Often show an inverted nipple retraction or appearance.
3. Who is with cancer, her breast size changes, including changes in shape and color can be found.
4. An obvious or likely bloody nipple discharge.
5. Breast skin depression or indentation similar to the orange skin, which will be displayed.
No doubt, the signs and symptoms of any one, we find many of the terrible. Of course, the most dangerous breast cancer women's diseases.
Hopefully more than 95 percent success rate in the treatment of early breast cancer. Breast cancer treatment process includes a variety of factors, depending on:
1. Age, weight, and the patient's health.
2. Type and stage of development of cancer.
3. Symptoms of cancer cells.
4. Other breast to participate.
Even if the patient also affects the treatment of menopausal status, the type will be provided. Usually a combination of surgery, is planning to breast cancer. The surgery, lymph node removal, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy or lumpectomy, only the lump, breast or whole breast removal can include deleted. Hormone drugs tamoxifen treatment can often prevent the recurrence of cancer, is.
One patient a high chance of rehabilitation if the early breast cancer treatment and appropriate management immediately found. Therefore, especially important for women to determine whether regular self-development, or any suspicious lumps in the breast and armpit area of development is to test the performance.
If you find any suspicious growth, it is important that the doctor that as soon as possible.