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How to Become an Amazing Personal Assistant
You'll have some challenges you can handle with ease, perhaps because it's something you've encountered before, and there'll be some challenges that will give you a run for your money.
The trick is to prepare for anything that arises.
I'm sure you're saying; "Easy enough said...
" The best way to prepare is to visualize the position.
Actually visualize it.
Picture the place you'll be working, the surroundings.
Once you've figured out what type of Personal Assistant you will be, then you can prepare.
Example, let's say a part of your job is the grocery shopping.
The easiest way to look like a pro here is to go through the entire fridge and pantry and make a list of absolutely everything.
Once you have this list you can type it up and print it out.
Put a check box next to each item and then you can do one of several things.
You can post the list somewhere and let the family members or housekeeper check off an item when it's getting low or runs out.
You can go through the kitchen periodically check things off yourself.
You can make a project for the kids to help you out.
If there is a chef, check with him or her about their needs as well and add that to the list.
You can incorporate this same technique with many aspects of the household; office supplies, household items, Kleenex, parking change, sunglasses, toilet Paper, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, and more.
By visualizing your job you can add value by anticipating needs and tasks which may arise.
Another technique is to get to know the other employees and ask them what your employer likes and what his preferences are.
This can also give you greater insight into his habits and behaviors.
Your BEST Weapon! If you want to do your job right and in a way that makes your life easier while getting everything handled faster, this is tip is key; buy a writing pad.
The smaller, 5X8 lined, yellow pads are great but anything similar will do.
Some people will still insist on using their iPad or smart device but before you decide, consider this.
Having something you can look at immediately without having to turn it on and off will save you tons of time and headache.
Your life will be infinitely better and the ciaos dramatically reduced.
You should never have more than 10 items on your list.
While your boss may ultimately give you more than 10 things, try not to add to the list until you've completed the 10 tasks.
Why? If you have more than 10 things on your list you'll become overwhelmed.
Also, with 10 things to do, you actually figure out how to do them faster and in a logical order.
As you accomplish each task, you'll put a checkmark in front of the task or cross it out, but leaving it legible so you can see what the specific task was.
There is something quite satisfying about seeing the results of a completed objective.
When you have accomplished each of these tasks, start a new sheet and write down the next ten items to be accomplished CREATING A TASK LIST Limit it to no more than 10 items.
This can be chores, errands, tasks, or goals.
Using this method, you'll noticed that you are cranking out your tasks and errands in no time, and you are no mastering the overwhelm.
Are You Ready? Being ready can mean, researching your new boss (finding out about his background and his business), the Internet can give you lots of insights into who you'll be working for.
Interviewing the person you are replacing and perhaps talking with some of the team to know what's to be expected; likes, dislikes, protocol, etc.
You'll need to know how to dress, where to park, and what time to arrive.
If you can have his favorite morning beverage or breakfast ready, so much the better.
Carry a notepad and pen at all times.
Simple things like wearing a watch, knowing the weather for that week, carrying a pen knife, tiny flashlight, a small sewing kit.
Whatever it is, be prepared.
Can You Juggle? On your very first day you may have several things thrown at you at once.
You arrive thinking that you'll be going over the daily schedule and you come in the house only to find out that your boss needs a ride to an appointment in ten minutes, then you have to pick up a last minute wedding gift, have a rip in his suit jacket repaired and pick him up from his meeting.
Can you do all of this while scheduling his travel, making luncheon reservations, and getting a stock quote? You'll need to be able to handle everything that is thrown at you.
If not, you need to rethink this field as a career for you.
Don't think you'll ever be in this situation? So your task is simply picking up the kids from school.
What if just before you leave the house to pick them up, the pipes break and water is pouring into the master bedroom.
Try having to pick up the kids from school and dealing with this at the same time.
Can it be done? Yes.
Will it be easy? Of course not.
Will your boss flip out? Maybe, but this will all be part of how well you can juggle.
Staying On Top Of It All One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you can never let things overwhelm you.
By planning and preparing, you can keep on top of your duties.
There will always be something that can throw a wrench in the works as we just discussed, but if you review and keep up with your list of tasks, you can handle most surprises that come your way.
Write it down! Try not to keep everything in your head.
If someone calls you and requests something of you or changes an appointment, write it down then and there.
This helps you two ways.
Writing it keeps it better affixed into your memory and, because you've written it down, you can add it to your task list.
Clothing Always dress nice.
This doesn't necessarily mean a suit or nice dress, but it does mean having clean, nice smelling clothes.
If you smoke they will smell it.
Keep your outfit simple but contemporary.
Try not to outshine your boss especially if she or he is someone who is always in the limelight such as an actor or high profile personality.
It's also good to have some back-up clothes with you.
This could mean a second outfit if your first one gets a tear or spill on it.
It may be that you have to work late and are being taken to a dinner or public event.
It's always good to have a black blazer or simple but contemporary black dress and some nice but comfortable shoes that look good in the evening.
Black is always simple and doesn't make you stand out too much, but still allows you to fit in.
This can't be stressed enough: make sure your nails are cleaned, your teeth are brushed and breath is fresh (a deal killer).
Limit jewelry.
Comb, brush, or style your hair.
Press your clothes.
Don't wear colors that are too flashy.
IMPORTANT: Perfumes and colognes are deal breakers!! Time after time people have actually been let go for coming to work "stinky".
Resist the urge to scent yourself.
Watch gum popping or chewing, no low-cut blouses, no shirts flashing chest hair.
Wear matching socks and polish or clean your shoes.
Replace torn or worn shoe laces.
No piercing or tattoo surprises (unless okayed).
Check facial hair and nose hair.
Avoid too much eye shadow, lipstick, or extra long fingernails.
SECRET: Always, always, always have comfortable shoes.
You're never going to know how long you'll be on your feet, how much walking you will do, how much climbing, lifting, carrying you will be asked to do.
So comfort is going to be your saving grace.
But DO NOT come to work in ugh-boots or fuzzy slippers!
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