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6 Reasons Why A Freelance Writer Business Is The Best Way To Break Into Im
I was stuck in a foreign country with nowhere to fly and no way to fly there, and it was starting a freelance writer business that saved me.
Here's 6 Reasons why it's the best way for a newbie to break into IM:
1. Instant Cash
Probably the main reason to start making your online income from freelance writing is because the cash is instant. You don't have to start grinding out a bunch of text for article marketing and keeping your fingers crossed that it's going to pay off if you just keep at it.
You get accepted for a job, you crank out articles, and the money goes into your account.
And there are plenty of sites like Ezinearticles where they've got escrow systems set up so you and the buyers can make the transaction without either of you worrying about getting ripped off. The client puts the money in escrow and Elance holds onto it until you produce.
It would be great if we all had the extra income to devote our lives to IM, but the truth is most of us need cash and need it now. Freelance writing fills the gaps.
2. Learn From the Pros
The IM rock stars are out there making a lot of money, and these same guys have a mountain of work they need to do to make that money. You know what they do as soon as they can afford it? Outsource.
And to whom do they outsource? Freelance writers and programmers on sites like Elance.
By bearing the brunt of the work for these people, you get an inside peek at what they are doing. You start learning, and before you know it you are so good at what they do you are charging companies to do their marketing for them.
And then it hits you. Not only have you moved beyond being a mere freelance writer business, you can do this marketing for yourself. You just received an education, and you were paid to learn.
3. The Money is Good
Contrary to popular opinion, the money in freelance writing is pretty good, and with the right tactics and techniques, it can be downright lucrative. Most people take one look at the writers out there charging pennies and run the other direction.
But what you have to realize is these people are not the competition. You provide a different kind of service—commit to quality and take deadlines seriously—and you can charge $20 or $30 for a 500 word article without a problem.
Get into other writing styles—like email or sales copywriting and you're talking about hundreds or even thousands of dollars for 1000 words of text.
Sure, the money is horrible; let the rest of the world keep thinking that...
4. The Competition is Whack
You've seen the content out there on the web. Worthless filler full of spelling errors and sentences that seem like half an incomplete thought.
You thought to yourself, "I can do way better than that."
And you're right.
I'm glad there are so many illiterate, incompetent writers on the web because it's the reason the next is so true.
5. It's Easy
We're not writing prize-winning novels out here, and no one expects us too. If you have some basic writing skills and know how to use Google and YouTube for research, you're good to go.
This is easy work, and over time you start to find points of leverage to make it even easier. I've learned tricks that have had me writing articles in 15 minutes or less. Not every time, but it's possible if you know a niche well enough and apply some specific strategies.
6. The Work is Abundant
Selling writing on the internet right now is like selling shovels in a gold rush. Everyone is scrambling for content, and what's more is people are scrambling for quality content. This is the information age, and a freelance writer business provides information.
Enough said.