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Women"s Health inDecline

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Evidence: More women than men have died from heart attacks in past 5 years! Reported all medical statistics! Solution: Reduce risk of heart disease in an simple 3 day each week exercise routine.
Outlay: A 3 day a Week workout plan to Keep You Healthy! What is Health? It is the absence of disease in physical, mental, psychological and social attributes in one life.
This is a broad description definition but it tells you all of the aspects which are essential to a healthy life.
How does one achieve all of these? Is it possible? I believe so.
It can be difficult to strike the balance, but generally each of us lives comfortably within our self made boundary, living a comfortable life.
It is true most of will feel more happy to be in tune with the trends in life; that is what most in society are doing and are comfortable with.
Sometimes this can be wrong and must be addressed.
I do so in this article and others to follow.
I am always amazed at the resilience and composure of many ill patients whom I have the honour to work with.
I always learn so much from these.
Yet in many cases I know that, some disease and illness could be prevented by simple measures in ordinary everyday lives.
Women's health Is In Decline! I find this frightening, and somewhat disgraceful.
It comes at a time when we have all comforts in life, and possibly have traded comforts for health - have lost some virtues of life.
For example, when did you last walk briskly and not stopping for ½ mile?.
When did you last put your head around to talk to your neighbour, as a general social act - an act which you might like to learn is closely related to happiness.
The more social you are, the more happier you tend to be! Years ago when our grandfathers and mothers were living they usually talked, and laughed together.
They visited each other regularly.
They walked down to work, and walked about as part of normal life.
Today we take the car or stand in a metro, and lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
We coerce ourselves towards a gym to squeeze in a half hour..
before the pub!! Does this sound like you or a friend? Inherent stress.
This is one reason that women's health has declined- heart attack rates are increased and climbing in the fairer sex! The Fairer sex? Not for long if we do not stop the harmful lifestyle! I ask All women : Look at Your Lives and Lifestyle and Exercise routine.
If you haven't got an exercise routine or workout, you should have.
Some are listed later.
Do get one, and for goodness sake follow a proven routine to improve your general health.
The greatest killer in woman is their excess body fat.
A degree of body fat is essential for life.
Those essential fats are found by the baby feeding from his mother but we harm these normal fats in our body through bad diet and little or incorrect exercise.
Women's hormones shape their profile and induce more fatty deposits.
(to produce the softer, rounded silhouette).
Nutrition is most important in shaping your body even while we exercise.
If you for example do not eat some fat in your diet while you exercised, then your body would start to break down your muscles, and this is a very wrong result.
You would be wasting away! Therefore eat sensibly: 30% protein to protect muscle LEAN muscle mass 20-30 fat (mainly unsaturated) to have a longer term fuel store, and for essential nerve function: 30% -carbohydrate for immediate brain function as this the brain's main fuel.
If you ever feel jittery or faint while doing your exercise, your blood sugar may be falling too low- This is a dangerous sign! Do not allow this to happen.
Always ensure you eat regular (smaller) meals every day before you exercise.
Fat accumulates very easily from the high saturate fats, so avoid.
In particular when we lead a lazy lifestyle sitting at television.
Fat is metabolised by the liver and deposit in the arteries.
So Women you can now devise how you will reduce your fat intake and also burn your fat.
It has been researched and finally again proven that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet for a healthy life.
Lots of olive oil, bright coloured fruit and vegetables ( to absorb the suns rays), a glass of preferably Sauvignon grape wine, if you enjoy wine.
Olive oil is a high source of monounsaturated fats and extremely healthy for you.
Too much of any food is bad for you and cause exclusion from your body of other essential foods.
We do require a small amount of cholesterol.
EXERCISES: It is most important to do exercises correctly.
You will be instructed clearly through the DVD, on the proper stance and balance.
This is really important for balance during the exercise action to gain maximum effectiveness (i.
weight loss).
With easy to follow instructions, videos and talk through, there is no one who should have great difficulty doing these exercises.
Most importantly always do your warm up stretching exercises before your start your workout routine.
If for any reason you feel that you may have a medical or heart condition please see your doctor.
We have a resident doctor who can give you medical advice only.
BEST METHOD FOR FAT BURN Do not eat more than 25% of Fat in your diet if you wish to lose fat.
To reduce fat deposits, you must exercise in one of two methods: 1.
Fasting state : Before breakfast in the morning, do the set 3 Day workout routine as on the DVD.
Only have replacement water with you.
Exercise for 20-30 minutes ONLY Not more! Do this on 3 mornings each week for two weeks.
Re measure your waist line.
You should have lost approximately a half inch.
Many will lose 1 inch off waist line.
You can continue to do this exercise routine as you wish, your body will reach a plateau weight which is a healthy weight for you.
You will have lost all your excess body fat by following this routine 3 days per week.
There is no special diet but a serious monitor on your food intake.
You could end up with perfect abs! 2.
Not-Fasting State.
You can exercise at any time of the day at least 2 hours after your meal - the longer the better.
Now when you exercise, you must now exercise longer - at least 20-30 minutes - because you will not start to burn fat until this time in your exercise.
So, when you exercise, you burn glycogen ( sugar and carbohydrate, until your body signals that you are running out.
This is at approximately 20 minutes into exercise.
You only need to exercise for a further 10 minutes at this longer rate as your metabolism has already been increased and you will burn fat immediately.
Make sure you have eaten regularly in the days prior to this exercise routine.
Again Do this routine on 3 days each week as shown in the DVD.
As you will see the DVD "3 day workout " is not forced or extreme exercise by any measure, but works on the principle of increasing your metabolism constantly to suit you, while it effectively burns off Fat calories and calories.
When you do eat after you exercise.
Eat smaller lighter meals, with amounts of 25% protein(for example, egg cheese), carbohydrates 30%.
and less than 25 % fat.
Most fat should be as mono -unsaturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat, (these are required for nervous function).
WORST TIME TO EAT Last thing at night.
Sleeping does not burn calories.
Again if you exercise too late at night, it increases your metabolism.
But may prevent you from sleep.
Problems in diagnosing Heart Disease In Women It is more difficult to diagnose actual heart symptoms in women.
oThe exercise test is less reliable, and not diagnostic.
oWomen complain of more chest pain which is unrelated to cardiac matters, they tended to have fewer investigations as heart disease was unlikely This has new been reversed by the true increase in heart disease.
oStress as a cause may include: more stress for female workers as they strive for top jobs in a mans world.
oThe woman's place is traditionally innately to rear the children :many may subconsciously also want to answer the maternal gene.
This could induce added strain in life.
However, most women can change their lifestyles! oWomen are becoming prolific SMOKERS which men used to be.
There is increased prevalence of females smoking.
They also tend to inhale.
oWomen are generally happier in the early half of their lives up to 40 years age, while men are less happier.
This balance changes as they get older women are less happy (divorce,financial, empty nest) and men are happier (financial, divorce, empty nest)! {Is this last so true>>} oIn Conclusion...
I ask ladies, and women to seriously look at exercise and at least a 3 Day workout on a regular basis and to set aside some time each week to improve their health.
Copyright 2008
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