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2008 Winter Holiday Cats Picture Gallery: Alexi
I came across a breeder who had five male kittens for sale, and she wasn't all that far away I explained to my husband. Well, we only went to look, and I bet you've heard that story before.
On the way home, John said, "You know, I kind of like that little Whitey," and I knew I had him hooked.
We arranged for the purchase and went back when Alexi was sixteen weeks old. This cattery keeps kittens with mother a full four months, explaining that the kitties just turn out better. When we were about to put Alexi into the carrier, the breeder held him up to Surprise, his mother, so she would know he was leaving. She said once she had neglected the good-bye, and the mother cat looked for the kitten for days. When I think about that, I still get a tear in my eye.
On the way home, we had a date with our vet. Alexi was pronounced to be just fine, but the vet said, "Jan, this kitten looks like a girl." I replied, "Doc, you should see the girls!" The truth is, Russian Blues are fine boned, graceful, and any woman would be jealous of their vivid green eyes.
Alexi is so inquisitive, that when John set the Christmas wreath on the chair, he hopped up and pushed his face through the middle. I ran for the camera and got one snap before he jumped.
He is so graceful, he can walk the length of the mantle without even knocking over Santa or the Reindeers. Alexi is so smart, that at night he knows John will tolerate him making a nest between Dad's legs. (Mom won't) However, he also knows a soft meow in my ear will make Mom lift the covers, allowing him to snuggle. Needless to say, we wouldn't trade him for anything.
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