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Free Great Business Blog Writing Tips
Before you begin writing your business blog post, it's wise to take some time to think about what it is exactly you are going to write about. This may sound a little basic but beginning with basics is often the best place to start. A blog needs to have a degree of planning, just like any other business marketing tool. You may know your subject well but does everyone else? It's amazing how people can talk at length about their subject without stopping to think about whether the reader really knows enough about their subject. The best way to get around this is to ask yourself one simple question: would someone who knows absolutely nothing about my theme understand this blog post? You may well be surprised at how much the answer will give you in understanding the nuts and bolts of the post yourself.
Journalistic know how
Journalists often have a bad name and yet there is no reason for this. They write what we need to know and report current news. The fundamental issue about journalistic writing is that when done well, it is usually engaging, spirited, informative and objective. This is the very essence of blog writing. So if in doubt ask a journalist for some advice. Many professional copywriters are former journalists so it's worth getting even more help by asking those who often write blogs as part of their professional day's work. Most people love to help and freely give out there expert guidance so allow them to do so - and if you're doing this yourself, just make sure it is not full of jargon.
Is the post free of jargon?
Of course one of the biggest faults is the use of in house jargon. If you know nothing about the legal world, building, IT, dentistry or whatever, it is unlikely you are going to be stimulated by reading a load of words that make little sense. It may seem obvious but it's surprising how many people miss the obvious and write as if they are speaking to a colleague who works in-house. Yet it's easy to fall into this trap and to an extent we all do it. A trained
website copywriter is the person to speak to if you cannot or do not know how to change the wording to eliminate jargon.If you're passionate about what you do you want to talk about it and impart your best knowledge. In so doing you're only a step away from talking jargon. Once you're distracted or launched on a theme, it slips in unnoticed.
Search engine optimization
Ask an SEO copywriter to help you or do the job for you; this will be much less expensive than asking an SEO expert who will probably charge double the cost. Most good copywriters for web are also SEO trained nowadays as so much of their work hinges on this knowledge. Keywords need to be inserted into your copy strategically and naturally, not stuffed in at random. Your copy must have readability and engage real people, not simply attract search engines. In fact if the keywords are inserted unnaturally it is more likely to repel the search engines.
The style factor
Write with your reader in mind, not yourself. This will automatically lead to your correct tone of voice and style. Avoid trying to copy someone else's way of writing; the clothes that sit well on someone else will rarely look good on you. If someone you admire has a really winning way with words, then by all means gain influence from it, but don't copy. Instead, use the influence to expand and develop your own inimitable way of expressing yourself in words. Very soon others will be influenced by you, wishing they could copy.
Keep these points in mind when you write your blogs and see how much better your post reads. It's a great way to achieve a lot of goals in one go: please the search engines, please your searchers, inform your customers and keep in contact.A good copywriter for web would verify this because their reputation depends on it.
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