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How to Do the Half Bound Lotus With a Yoga Strap

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    • 1). Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Keep your spine tall and straight and flex your feet so that your toes are pulling up towards your torso.

    • 2). Bend your right knee, very carefully, and place your right foot on top of your upper left thigh, as near to your abdomen as possible. Place a yoga strap around the top of your right foot and then reach around your back with your right hand to grip then ends of the strap.

    • 3). Keep your back tall as you carefully inch your right hand up the strap towards your right foot, stopping if it becomes uncomfortable. Double a second strap and hold the ends with your left hand. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, lean forward over your left leg, bending at the hips.

    • 4). Slip the loop of the strap in your left hand over your left foot and then inch your hand up the strap towards your toes. Only go as far as is comfortable without releasing your right hand, without bending your spine and without bending your left knee. Hold your most advanced position for five deep breaths and then exhale up to sitting, releasing your arms. Repeat on the opposite side.

    • 5). Inch your hands up the straps a bit further each time you practice the half bound lotus. With time, you will find that you can reach your toes and will be able to release the straps.

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