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What Kind of Salt Do I Use to Cure Bacon at Home?
- Iodized salt is so called because of the additive iodide. Iodide is undetected in most cooking, but in curing it can make meat taste metallic. To get the best cured taste and texture of your bacon, use noniodized salt.
- Also without iodide, or many additives, kosher salt can be used for curing bacon and other meats. Kosher salt is coarse and very pure, and its grains are large. Typically, kosher salt is describe as "fluffy" and "loose packing" which means kosher salt weighs less than regular salt. To cure with kosher salt, be sure to watch the weight or use a recipe that calls for kosher salt.
- Also known as pickling salt, canning salt is often used to make brine solutions. Although not as popular anymore, canning salt can be used to "wet cure" bacon. The canning salt is a fine-grain salt that easily dissolves in solution and is popular in making marinades.
- Also known as sodium nitrate or nitrite, saltpeter is not really salt but it is the main ingredient in salt cure. You cannot cure bacon and other meats without saltpeter because salt only dries out the meat, and it does not preserve the meat, taste, or texture. Saltpeter is the preservative that keeps meat tasty while keeping bacteria from setting into the food. To keep your bacon well tasting and long lasting, be sure to use saltpeter in your salt mix.
Noniodized Salt
Canning Salt
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