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Homemade Deer Gravity Feeders
- The first step is choosing a location for it. Much of this decision depends on how you intend to use your deer feeder. If you will use it as bait for hunting, you should keep it far from any houses and any other residential areas and objects, in an open area upwind from where you plan to hunt. If you plan to use the feeder just to observe deer, you can place it much closer to your house, perhaps even within sight of the windows. But don't bring it too close, or you'll risk making the deer accustomed to the area and more bold, which can be especially risky if you have a vegetable garden.
- The quickest and easiest deer feeder to construct consists of a four-to-five-foot length of four-inch PVC with a 45-degree-angle joint attached at the bottom end. Secure the joint to the length of pipe with the internal screwing mechanism, and then rest the pipe against a tree or other secure object with the jointed end down. Secure it with shock cords or a rope.
- The environment immediately around the deer feeder may need some adjustments as well. First hollow out a small area at the base of the feeder in order to help contain the feed from spilling and scattering. Also, clear out the sight lines in the area, removing tall grass and low-hanging limbs as necessary to make sure you can see the deer when they do arrive. Then you're ready to fill the feeder. Pour corn or other feed into the top of the feeder tube and wait for the deer.
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