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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Can Natural Allergy Relief Help
Whilst medications may work for a lot of allergy sufferers, they will not work for everyone. It is also the case whilst some people initially get relief with medications initially, they will not work forever work.
Spring Allergies Strike Early This Year
Got a stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, or throbbing head? In February, those symptoms are usually caused by a cold or the flu, but this year, the culprit could be allergies.
Naturopathic Asthma Remedies
Asthma typically strikes young children, but adults have been increasingly developing the condition later in life. Various theories, ranging from decreasing air quality to food additives, offer explanations for the upsurge in asthma attacks. Asthma is treatable via conventional medicines, but these
False Diagnosis of Asthma
False diagnoses or misdiagnoses are cases of people that just don't think it to be something as serious as asthma. Some people would think that coughing and wheezing is just a cold that will not let go. Asthma is a prison of sorts.
Do I Need Use A Spacer For My Asthma?
An asthma spacer is an essential component of your asthma treatment. Learn why you will have difficulty without one.
New, Green Technology Being Used to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Did you know that you could control the indoor air quality of your home? Your air quality is determined by a variety of factors, including the quality of the air that comes into your home from the outside, the number of pets and smokers in your home, and the effectiveness of your air filtration and
Children's Asthma
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of children's asthma including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
children and physical fitness
New study shows that children with asthma are less active than their peers.
Looking for an Asian Flush Remedy?
Looking for a remedy to cure your Asian flush condition? This article will provide you with some to try.
Allergies - Causes and Effects of Allergies
Find out how allergies can change your life.This article will explain allergies in easy terms to help you understand them better.
Asthma Preventions
Asthma is a disease of the lungs in which the bronchial tubes tighten and excess mucus is produced. An asthma attack can range from slight wheezing to a full-blown attack, in which the person cannot breathe. Asthma usually comes from the environment and can also be genetic. Oftentimes when a child
Common Asthma Symptoms in Children
Each year, almost half a million children end up in the emergency room as a result of asthma conditions. More than half of those require at least one day of hospitalization due to their asthma symptoms. Asthma accounts for more hospital visits and stays than any other chronic disease during childhoo
Is It A Cold Or An Allergy
Is It A Cold Or An Allergy? Allergies can often have similar symptoms to the common cold.If you're allergies are seasonal and happen mainly in spring and summer, then sometimes when they begin you may wonder whether they are allergies or whether you have a cold.
Hay Fever Allergies - Treatment and Relief Available
The weather starts to warm up, and the flowers start to bloom - achoo!Your sneezing has begun! It's allergy time once again!
Hamster, Rabbit and Iguana Allergy
Learn about allergies to less common household pets, including hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, sugar gliders and iguanas.
Prevent Sinus Infection - The Ultimate Advice For You to Get Rid of Sinus Infection For Good!
Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the sinuses which happens due to a viral, bacterial, fungal infection or an allergic reaction. More than 37 million Americans are having cold problem every year and it seemed that it wouldn't go away, that is known as sinus infection. When people talk abou
Asthma Effects - Four Major Effects and How to Deal With Them
There are actually four major effects to asthma. These four effects are coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.
Allergies Galore
Allergies are a real problem for all of us, but unfortunately many people don't realize the danger. Sometimes the allergic response is minor, often passing unnoticed, and all stages in between up to the extreme of death. These allergies detrimental to sound health.
Relief From an Asthma Attack
Asthma attacks are one of the most frequent causes of emergency room visits, particularly for children, in the United States. Symptoms like coughing that won't stop, wheezing as air moves in and out of the lungs, chest pain, fast breathing, blue fingernails and blue lips are all signs of a severe at