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Computer & Networking security : Technology

How to deal with corrupted PST file

As Outlook provides various outstanding features to make emailing more comfortable and manageable, this has become the prominently used email client among millions of users across the world. Outlook is more than just an email ...

How to Get Rid of the BDS/Shutdown.bi Virus

BDS/Shutdown.bi is a piece of malware that attacks Windows system processes and prevents you from using Window's msconfig and regedit software. Most often, you get this virus from pornographic websites, spam emails and file-sharing programs. You can remove this virus by running an anti-virus program

Don't Be a Victim of Your Own Shadow IT Solutions

Shadow IT is the use of technologies inside the company, but outside of company control. BYOS - (Bring Your Own Services) - is a prime example; it is a logical extension and consequence of BYOD, and is the shadow IT method of choice for transferring data from corporate servers to mobile devices and

Make Sure You Have an Online Data Backup

More and more of the world is going online. Shops, businesses and lots of other things are all building websites to help promote and advertise their businesses. But when you have your whole business advertised online it makes sense to protect that asset by performing an online data backup.

Online Data Storage & Backup Eliminates Weather Worries

There are many uncontrollable weather factors that cause power outages, adversely affecting electronic equipment.Among those factors, a lightning strike is far and away the most damaging, but also dangerous are things like accidental contact with power lines by repair trucks and other vehicles or ev

The Intel SSD 320 Error Can Cause Data Loss

Technological advancements improve the reliability and performance of the tools and processes we all use in our daily routines. Whether for professional or personal needs, technology allows us to perform our tasks more efficiently in ...

Super AntiSpyware - Stop Spyware Infecting Your PC

Need to protect your PC?Then you should consider Super AntiSpyware.This is a product that searches for and removes spyware, adware, keyloggers and trojans that maybe present on your computer. And best of all there is a free version of the program for home users.

Monitor Children Online Using a Keylogger

Do you think it is necessary to monitor children online? Would you let your child roam freely down the street alone? If you do not think these two situations are the same, then think again.

All About Spyware - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know, and More

Spyware is spreading, and it's only getting worse. You can protect yourself by keeping your eyes open for spyware, and stopping it getting onto your computer in the first place. Learn how to spot spyware before it hides itself in your PC, and keep you and your personal information safe.

All You Need to Know About Data Recovery Services

Data recovery services manage your company's information in way where you can easily retrieve any data that is lost. These services are highly important and should be selected carefully to avoid any inconvenience.

How to Use HR Block Tax Cut Software on More Than One Computer

H&R block is a popular tax service and Tax Cut is the software that the company produces to allow you to do your taxes on your own. Most software is limited by license as to how it can be used. You can, however, use this software on more than one computer. It's simple, but you do need to pay attenti

What Do I Do If My Propane Gas Detector Goes Off?

Propane is a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly fuel, but like every fuel it must be dealt with with care. You have already taken precautions and have installed a propane gas detector. But what do you do when it actually goes off? Are you prepared? Read on to find out how to keep your fami

Runtime Error 52 Fix - "Bad File Name Or Number"

Runtime Error 52 is a problem that's caused by a file or program in Windows not being able to be read - preventing your system from opening the files / settings that it needs to run. The error will typically show when you either try and use Microsoft Office, or some other form of advanced appli

What Makes Online PC Support Popular

Computers are here to stay and for many of us we can't imagine life without them. But as technology progresses along with our busy lifestyle, a slow running computer is one of our greatest virtual ...