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The Yeast Intolerance
Essentially, a yeast intolerant person has a body that over produces Candida.
Now, Candida is a yeast-like fungus that groups together and lives in the moist tracks of your body (like the digestive track, the vagina or the mouth).
Most people are able to keep the level of Candida in their body in check due to the helpful bacteria that we all have.
Yet, there are times when the yeast grows excessively and your body is no longer able to keep it in check.
If this happens, then you suffer from yeast intolerance and can come down with yeast infections like Thrush or Candidiasis.
There are some people out there who feel that Candidiasis is a major culprit behind some of the more common chronic problems that people have, like abdominal discomfort and problems with their bowel functioning.
It's very likely that the chances of coming down with Candidiasis is directly related to the health and diet of the individual in question.
For example, Candida thrive on foods that contain a lot of yeast or simple sugars.
Similarly, they grow very rapidly on foods that are fermented (like yogurt, alcohol and cheese) or that contain a lot of vinegar (like most sauces, dressings, and pickled items).
If you have good overall health, then consuming a lot of these foods may or may not have a big effect on the Candida levels in your body.
However, times of stress, times of illness, or any other time when you are going to have a weakened immune system make you ripe for an infection, no matter how good your health usually is.
The use of antibiotics or other medicines can devastate the amount of good bacteria in your system, which also can make it hard for your body to maintain the right levels.
Poor nutrition is often seen as a big contributor to Candida problems.
A bad diet makes you less healthy overall and can weaken your immune system, and reduce your ability to deal with the toxic byproducts of the yeast.
An excess craving for sweets and other yeasty foods can be a big tip off that you have an infection that you need to deal with.
While there are drugs and medicines that you can take to fight the infection, changing your diet is generally thought of as one of the best ways to eliminate the problem.
After all, they can't thrive if you don't feed them.
Now, cravings for sweets and breads is only one sign that you might have a yeast infection.
Diarrhea and headaches are other indications, as are 'fuzzy tongues' and mouth ulcers.
If you have these problems, and find out that you have a yeast intolerance, than you are going to need to switch to a yeast-free diet immediately.
While some people are able to change there diet and fix the problem and never have it again, chances are that it will re-occur if you don't make some permanent and lasting changes in your life.
By adopting a simple diet based around whole, natural foods, you greatly decrease the chances that you will run into another infection.
And there are added bonuses to changing up your lifestyle.
After all, eating healthier to cure Candida is a great way to just look and feel better all around.
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