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Clearing Your Clutter: What to Keep and What to Toss
First, ask yourself if you like or need the item. If you own clothing, jewelry, or knick knacks that you don't like, get rid of it. If the item no longer fits, has gone out of style, or is no longer to your taste, you don't need it in your home. These items can either be sold for extra money, or you can give them away to families or charities that could use them. For items such as papers, you will want to ask yourself if they contain needed information. If they don't and there is no legal reason to hold onto them, you can safely send them through the shredder.
The next thing you'll want to think about is frequency. How often do you use an item? Will you use it again? A lot of things in our homes have outlived their purpose. Just because you needed something or wanted something once doesn't mean that it still deserves a place in your home. If you aren't sure if an item will be needed again, try putting it in a box and label it with the date. If, a year later, you haven't needed to open the box, you don't need the item.
Another thing you want to consider is rarity of the item. If it will be difficult or expensive to replace in the future, you might want to hold onto if you are unsure. A box full of buttons, however, is just plain clutter. While you might love being surrounded by books, you might want to clear out the shelves if you have more books than shelf space. By selling or donating the books that you'll never read again, you'll have an easier time finding the ones that you do like to go back to. And, if you ever find yourself needing the information that was contained in a book or rereading an old novel, you can always go to the library or buy another copy.
Perhaps the hardest items to deal with are things with sentimental value. If you don't need an item but it was handed down to you from an older relative or given to you from a child you might be tempted to hang on to it. While it is fine to hold on to items with sentimental value, you cannot be expected to keep everything that anyone has ever given you. Don't judge the item simply by who gave it to you but also if it really reminds you of them. If you want to keep items in the family, you can always find someone who would appreciate a piece more. Only you can judge whether these are clutter or keepsakes.
Tossing clutter is an important step in organizing your home into the perfect space for you and your family. While it can be hard to part with some items, you'll love the feeling of an uncluttered house.