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Facts About Acupuncture
Some facts about acupuncture are that Chinese medicine practitioners use acupuncture to unblock and rebalance the flow of chi to restore health.
People often use acupuncture to relieve pain.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture consists of putting thin needles into the skin at certain points on the body to produce energy flow within the body.
Other types of acupuncture may use heat, pressure, or mild electric currents to stimulate energy flow.
The number one reason that people use acupuncture is to relieve pain, but you can use this form of treatment for other health conditions.
You are able to use it by itself or in combination with other treatments.
Numerous studies have shown that the use of acupuncture has relieved nausea and vomiting that chemotherapy patients experience as well as for post surgery pain.
Acupuncture can relieve:
- Headaches-migraines which are painful, throbbing headaches that last from 4 to 72 hours.
If you've ever experienced a migraine then you know that they can be so painful that you are not able to follow your normal routine or every day activities. - Menstrual cramps
- Tennis elbow
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
- Carpal tunal
- Asthma
- Toothache and gum problems
- Reducing labor pain
- Tension, stress, and emotional conditions
Sterilized or disposable needles must be used to minimize the risk of infection however today most acupuncturists use disposable needles.
You can ask your physician or health care provider for an acupuncturist that they recommend.
How many treatments are needed? The number of treatments required depends on the condition and usually differ from person to person.
Treatments can range from one to two a week for several months to fewer visits for minor health issues.
Some problems can be resolved in as little as one or two visits.
Do the needles hurt? Every person has a different threshold for pain.
Some illnesses make you more sensitive to pain as well.
But for the most part patients feel only minimal pain when the needles are first inserted; some feel absolutely no pain at all.
There is no pain felt when the needles are in place.
Some patients fall asleep during the session and leave more relaxed.
Acupuncture needles are very thin, solid and made from stainless steel.
The point is smooth which makes inserting it through the skin painless unlike injections or having your blood drawn.
The risk of bruising and skin irritation is minimal.
Advantages of Acupuncture There are numerous advantages of acupuncture.
You don't need to take medication or require any form of surgery for it to work.
It increases your body's energy level.
It helps you to feel better and relieves pain.
The treatments are individually customized to meet each patient's needs.
Acupuncture can also be used for health maintenance with as little as four sessions a year.
These are just some of the facts about acupuncture.
To gain the most benefit from treatment you should wear loose clothing; make sure that you aren't feeling fatigued or emotionally upset when you go in for the procedure.
Do not change position or make any sudden moves when the needles are in and be sure to tell your acupuncturist if you experience any discomfort during treatment.
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