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What Is Oxy Powder?
To this add in the embarrassment factor as most people with Candida yeast infections are mortified by the situation and are afraid or embarrassed to talk about it openly and honestly because of the areas of the human body that such infections usually afflict.
Over the years there have been a number of different antibiotics that have been prescribed by physicians to battle candida infections.
The problem with many of these that many candid sufferers have realised is that though some of them may give very quick relief from candida symptoms, few if any of them actually treat the underlying causes and remove the infection by combating the bacteria itself.
They also have some very serious side effects some of which are quite unpleasant such as nausea and sickness.
There have also been a number of so called miracle cures that have popped up with some semblance of regularity on the both the internet and the real world and though sufferers have flocked to these new treatments in droves, none of them have been as effective as promised.
Now a new product called Oxy powder has just hit the market and a lot of patients of this condition may be wondering how this product is any different from the many that have come before it.
The difference between Oxy powder and all of the cures for candida could not be more stark though and unlike the useless miracle cures that claim to fight candida, this product actually just strengthens your immune system and makes the conditions in the lower reaches of the human digestive tract that is popularly known as the colon, perfect for the eradication of candida yeasts.
As its name suggests, Oxy powder promotes the oxygenation of the lower digestive tract and not only does this hinder the growth of bad bacteria, it also promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that actually fights the candida yeasts.
It also helps in the removal of waste matter from the colon which becomes a breeding ground for candida when it is not excreted regularly.
This product thus works with body and your immune system rather than against it and hence there are no painful side effects to it.