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Green Power - The Greatest & Most Powerful Renewable Energy Source
The sources of green energy are considered to be nonpolluting and environmental friendly.
Though these energy sources provide remedy to the affects of certain pollution forms and global warming, they are usually costlier than the traditional sources of energy and need government subsidies.
Green power is generally thought in context of heating, co-generation and electricity.
Today, many businesses, organizations and consumers purchase this type of energy for helping their country in reducing the impacts of generating conventional electricity and support further development by increasing the country's energy independence.
One way for supporting this technology by businesses and consumers have been through Renewable energy certificates like green tags or green certificates.
Also, some of the governments have drafted similar terms or specific definitions for the use of green power that support related technologies, or are eligible for subsidies.
Sources - green power includes natural processes which are harnessed with little amount of pollution.
This category includes energies, such as geothermal power, anaerobic digestion, small scale hydropower, wind, tidal, wave and biomass power.
Sometimes it may also include the power derived from wastes.
Some organizations even classify the nuclear energy as green power, but the nuclear wastes and the carbon dioxide emissions from them exclude them from becoming clean energy forms.
It should always be remembered that none of the power sources are fully impact free.
All the sources require some energy, and while the manufacturing of technology produce some amount of pollution.
Some of the other terms given to green power are: green, alternative, and brown energy and clean technologies for being environmentally sound and low polluting.
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