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Balance Your Chakras with the Power of Tuning Forks
The Chakras
The chakras are 7 major energy centers in the body that run along the spinal column. They extend from the base of the spine to the brain. The chakras are the control center for the flow of energy in the body and all energy coming into the body. They link the physical body to the subtle energy fields around the body that represent emotional, mental and spiritual activities. The chakras are connected to the physical body through the spinal column. There are three primary energy channels in the body. The central energy channel, the Sushumna, runs along the spinal column. Two other channels, the Ida (female energy) and Pingala (male energy) intertwine along the Sushumna. The chakras are created where these two channels cross the Sushumna. Excesses or deficiencies in each chakra will indicate where the body is out of balance. These imbalances can manifest in the form of physical aches and pains or illness or in an emotional imbalances such as anxiety or an addiction. Although many people associate the chakras with sitting on a yoga mat, sound can be an effective way to improve the flow of energy in the body and restore the proper balance to each chakra.
How Tuning Forks Work
Quantum physics is now confirming that our bodies are not solid matter, but an orchestra of vibrational frequencies. Each cell, organ or body system has its own optimal frequency that corresponds to a health state. Illness and disease indicate that the vibrational frequency is out of balance. The specific frequencies of various sounds can change the frequency of the chakra. At a metaphysical level, aches and pains are an indication at the cellular level that the life force energy of the physical body is blocked. The power of sound can release trapped energy and make this energy available for restoring health and making life changes. Tuning forks can search out and work on blockages in the subtle energy bodies that surround the physical body and change imbalances before they manifest at the physical level.
Putting it Together
There are many types of tuning forks that use different frequencies. Some are based on the current musical scale while other are based on specific numerical sequences or energies. One example is the tuning based on the ancient Solfeggio frequencies. The Solfeggio frequencies are part of an ancient musical scale that was originally part of the Gregorian Chant. Eventually these powerful frequencies were replaced with changes in the musical scale based. These frequencies have been rediscovered and are now being used to reduce stress, increase energy flow and facilitate the body's ability to heal itself.
Each of the six frequencies correspond to one of the chakras :
1st Chakra uses the UT Fork at 396 Hz for Liberating Guilt and Fear
2nd Chakra uses the RE Fork at 417 Hz for Facilitating Change
3rd Chakra uses the MI Fork at 528 Hz for Transformation and Miracles
4th Chakra uses the FA Fork at 639 Hz for Connecting to Others
5th Chakra uses the SOL Fork at 741 Hz for Expressions and Solutions
6th Chakra uses the LA Fork at 852 Hz for Awakening Intuition
The 7th chakra is the connection to the Universe and is the sum of the previous six frequencies
The practitioner works by having the client first lie face down on a massage table. The client hears the tone of the first tuning fork. The fork is held over each chakra to achieve balance. After the root chakra, the client hears a combination of the UT fork and the next chakra. The interval between the two forks is important. The practitioner creates an energy bridge from the root chakra to each succeeding chakra. The two forks are used to trace the intertwining energy channels up the base of the spine to the crown. The client turns over and the process is repeated, working from the crown chakra down to the root.
In summary, the chakras play an important role in balancing the energy within the body and maintaining the proper balance necessary for optimum health. Sound is an important way to restore balance to the chakras and facilitate the movement of energy throughout the body. It can be a simple but powerful technique.