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Want to Know How a Cat Can Communicate Love? Not the Usual Way
The story showed the relationship between some people who rescued a lion from a bad situation, cared for it and then took it Africa to set it free.
The people who raised that lion developed a very special relationship with it, one that was mutually felt - as evidenced in the video.
The lion did adapt to living in the natural and became the head of his own pride.
Got the picture: a lion living in Africa, head of his pride? The gentlemen who raised the lion missed their friend and traveled to Africa to visit him.
The reason this video is on National Geographic's site is the moment the lion saw the men he ran to them and jumped up affectionately letting them know he not only remembered who they were but also his love for them.
That I came across that video is no accident.
You see my own cat nearly died about one month ago.
For weeks I gave him all the extra love I could.
After doing much energy work and talking with his spirit lots he recovered his health.
And he wanted me to know that he appreciated what I did for him.
The whole incident with my cat mirrored the end of my mom's life - except my cat chose to get well whereas my Mom needed to leave her body.
But before she left she told me that she knew how much I loved her and that I took such good care of her.
That she was able to communicate so clearly was a miracle in and of itself because my mom's mind had gone 5 years earlier.
She thought I was her mom and she was very much like a two year old at the time she left.
Except during the time she returned to who she really was so she could tell me what she needed to say and I needed to hear.
That gift let me know the Spirit is always perfect regardless of what the body and mind seem to do.
So when I saw that video I realized my cat was sending me the same message.
My cat is deaf yet he found a way to communicate what I very much needed to hear and apparently what he needed to tell me.
If you knew how bizarre it was for me to find that video - I mean it popped up on my screen without my looking for it at all - you would really get the significance of this communication.
Our pets are so very special to us.
I bet they tell us important things all the time but we miss those messages because we do not know to look or listen for them.
Be in your world in a whole new way so you can catch to the messages your pet cannot speak in human words.
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