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Girl Scout Fundraising Ideas
- Ask the girls in your troop to bring recyclables such as soda cans and bottles to each meeting. This is an easy way for the girls to participate in good works and learn about recycling. Moreover, profits from recyclables add up quickly.. Each week, take the collected recyclables to a local recycling center. Encourage the girls by establishing a point system that grants a point for each can or bottle they bring. Give the girl with the most points a prize, such as a craft kit or doll.
- In the summer, gather the girls for a free car wash. It sounds like an oxymoron as a fundraiser, but a free car wash will help make a great deal of money. Ask the girls to bring family members to help. Fathers and brothers can help with larger cars, while the girls can wash the smaller cars. Make a large sign with the words, "Donations Welcome" to encourage car owners to donate to your troop. Let people know about the car wash by giving each girl flyers to hand out to her friends and neighbors. Have several girls hold large "Free Car Wash" signs with arrows pointing to the car wash at the cross walks.
- Have the girls pair up with their mothers to make baked goods. This is also a good opportunity to foster the relationship between the girls and their mothers. Have each girl sign up for a different baked good, such as cupcakes, cookies, or Rice Crispy treats. Send a flyer to the girls' homes to inform mothers about this project. Hold the bake sale at the girls' school, and advertise the bake sale by handing out flyers to teachers and by asking the girls to announce the event in their classes.
- Speak with local gift or bookstores about setting up a gift-wrapping table during the holiday season. Many stores will be happy to help a local Girl Scout troop with this project, which will also offer a valuable service to their customers. Some card and gift shops might even donate paper, tape, and scissors for the girls to use. To advertise, simply make a sign that introduces your Girl Scout troop and indicates that troop members are offering gift-wrapping services.. Place a decorated box or basket on the wrapping table with a sign asking for donations. To ensure that customers will be happy with the girls' wrapping skills hold a gift-wrapping lesson at a meeting before the fundraiser.
Free Car Wash
Mother-Daughter Bake Sale
Gift-Wrapping Services
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