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Buy Discount Cigarettes
Brands such as Kent, Marlboro, Capri, Dunhill, Chesterfield and Camel are now too costly for the middleclass smoker to afford.
That is why websites sporting 'buy discount cigarettes' advertisements prove too attractive for the middleclass man to avoid.
Compared to prices as high as $40 per carton in states such as New York and California, these websites offer cigarettes at heavily discounted prices.
Go to any websites featuring the 'buy discount cigarettes' ad line, and you can find premium cigarette brands as low as $15 for a carton.
The suppliers are able to sell cigarettes online because online sales usually do not attract taxes.
Many states such as California do not permit online purchase of cigarettes, and people living in these states may find it difficult to buy them.
Retailers offering discounted cigarettes mostly operate from states that have a low tax structure.
Many online retailers are based at reserved Indian lands.
The strict federal tax laws do not apply here.
Some reports tell that sales from these Indian lands amount to millions of dollars each year.
Many people hesitate to buy cigarettes online for fear of leakage of personal information.
Customers usually fear that by tracking their personal information, the federal or state agencies may apply taxes on them.
Websites therefore contain a note assuring the customer of the complete security of personal information.
Most shopping websites warns you that the online purchase is meant for personal use only, not for retail.
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