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Home Remedies For Impetigo - Get Rid of This Skin Infection
The nonbullous impetigo or impetigo contagiosa is the most frequent type of impetigo and can be caused by both types of bacteria. It is characterized by the appearance of red sores on the face. These sores may be itchy and usually rupture rapidly, secreting fluid or pus. Other symptoms of this kind of impetigo include formation of yellowish-brown or honey-colored crust and swollen lymph nodes. The bullous impetigo is more common in children under two years of age. It often appears as fluid-filled blisters on the arms, legs, and trunk. Ecthyma is the most severe form of impetigo. Its main symptom is painful sores that are filled with either fluid or pus. There are some home remedies for impetigo that are found to be very effective in relieving the symptoms of this infection.
Proper hygiene is the best home remedy for impetigo. Keep away from touching the impetigo sores. Clean the infected area with running water and a gentle soap, and then cover with a nonstick dressing to prevent the spread of impetigo to other parts of the body. Make sure you wash your hands whenever you touch your sores. Applying a few crushed garlic cloves to the affected area can help alleviate itching. One of the good home remedies for impetigo is to mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with 16 ounces of water and saturate the infected area with this mixture for about twenty minutes. Another way to reduce this infection is to apply aloe vera gel directly to the sores four times daily.
Essential oils of tea tree and lavender are also effective home remedies for impetigo. Combine equal amounts of tea tree oil and water or aloe vera gel and apply this blend to the sores three times daily. Otherwise, rub a couple of drops of lavender essential oil on the affected area with a cotton ball. Cut a turnip into tiny pieces and immerse them in a natural vinegar for at least six hours. Then eat these turnip pieces to get rid of your impetigo. You can also soak the turnip pieces in rice water. Goldenseal is considered as an effective remedy against strep and staph bacterial infections. Take 250 grams of Goldenseal three times daily to deal with your impetigo. Applying Goldenseal cream or liquid directly to the sores is also helpful to cure the symptoms of this skin infection.