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Ive found my soul mate...or have I?
Have you ever heard these words from someone in Love?:
"we must be soul mates, we like the same things, we like to eat the same things, he/she cuts their carrots the same way that I cut my carrots, when ever they go to say something, I say it at the exact same time. We both love the colour yellow. He reach out for the salt at the eact same time that I reach out for it... yadda yadda yadda.
The most interesting definition of a soul mate that I have ever heard (and the most entertaining) was this:
Look around for the person that is causing you the most anguish, the one that is testing your resolve the most and has you pushing through your comfort zone to grow, and to think outside of your normal paradigm.
Now THAT person is your soul mate!
Who wants more of who we are? Wouldn't it be fair to say that we experience the most growth when tested, pushed, cajoled and challenged?
I had always been of the idea that my soul mate would be the one that made me feel most comfortable to the point that... they were exactly the same as me and so accepted me for all that I am. I have been in relationships like that and although they were fun for a while and also filled with love, but if I was honest, they were also unchallenging and eventually claustrophobic. Where is the growth in that?
I have also heard from some couples who say that they have never had a crossed word in their time together. I can't help but wonder if that relationship grew in any way in the time that they were together?
Now please note that I am not an advocate of hostility or constant fighting but all harmony should be questioned from time to time so one can determine that the couple are on course with where they want to go and not just drifting on the winds of time.
Although I do believe that there should be "harmony" in a loving relationship, I also feel that "love is not about two people looking into each others eyes forever but two people looking in the same direction together" Two separate people, with independent thoughts and ideas but similar ideals. Two people challenging each other as well as nurturing one another.
In the immortal words of someone very famous, im sure, "To make an omelette one has to break a few eggs!" And I for one (who loves harmony) am partial to an omelette, especially when made and shared with and from love.
Bon appetite
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