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How to Know the Best Days For Conception
Trying is fun at any time, but if you want to narrow down the period you are most fertile then you need to keep track of your menstrual cycle and the times when you are most receptive to becoming pregnant.
Judging your fertility period can be as low tech as buying a calendar and marking different days, to high tech and investing in an ovulation prediction kit where you get a digital analysis of your days for highest conception.
In either case, it is a good idea to know a bit about your fertility cycle before you go out and invest in a lot of equipment.
You are most fertile about 1/3 of the month.
Now you may hear of other women conceiving at different times, and it is possible their cycle was not as regular, or were unaware that sperm can actually live up to 5 days in a woman's body (more typically it is two days, but there have been cases of up to five).
If you haven't already started tracking your menstrual cycles, then you will need to start doing this now.
The first day of your menstrual cycle starts on the first day you start bleeding.
If you have already been tracking your cycle, then take a look at the last 8-12 months of your cycles.
The total length of your period is from the first day you bled of the previous month, to the first day you started bleeding of the following month.
After you count the number of days of your periods you have recorded, pick out the shortest and longest monthly cycles.
Subtract 18 from the shortest period (this is going to give you the earliest fertility day possible) and subtract 11 days from your longest cycle (this is going to give you the latest fertility day possible).
Now you have a range of days in your cycle in which to try to conceive! Start on the day beginning your fertility cycle, and finish as late as the last day.
If you keep to this formula, you are bound to conceive within a couple of months.
Even if you have not tracked your cycles so far, you can still use this method of calculation, tracking each monthly menstrual as it occurs.
Recalculate your numbers based on the last 12 months only, even if you have tracked further back.
Another way to monitor fertility is through cervical mucus.
It might sound gross, but it is part of the woman's natural body function.
Mucus is actually responsible for drawing the man's sperm up into her cervix in order to fertilize her eggs.
To monitor cervical mucus, you would examine it every day during your cycle (starting with day 1 of bleeding) and record the way it looks.
After your menstruation, you will generally have about 5 dry days, without much cervical mucus.
As you approach your fertility period, your mucus secretions will change from cloudy (or even yellowish) to a clear egg white consistency.
Your fertile period is 2 days before you reach this consistency, and two days after as well.
Now that you are armed with a few tricks to keep track of your best days for conception.
Make sure you have fun with your conception, you don't want it to be all business, being relaxed and happy is important to the process too!
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