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How to Promote Your Newly Created Blog?
In this post, I'm going to discuss in brief about some of websites that you can utilize as way to promote your recently created blog.
There is something for you as well even if you have an old and reputed blog in your niche, there must be some key points that you are missing towards it's promotion: Social Networks First thing that you can do is get active on all major social media websites.
Create a strong and well informed profile on websites like Twitter, Facebook and Orkut.
With this, become active on Social Bookmarking websites like Digg, Propeller, Delicious, Yahoo Buzz, Google Buzz etc and submit some of your latest stuff on these networks.
But don't try to flood these networks with lots of content from your website at a time.
Apart from sharing interesting stories from popular websites you know of, participate in communities, make friends and vote for popular stories on these networks.
Blog Networks Next thing that you can do to promote your newly launched website is participate in blogging communities like MyBloglog, Blogcatalog, BumpZee, Indiblogger etc.
When you join these networks, you will have chance to interact with lots of fellow bloggers in your niche.
Apply for Google Services Most important, apply for all major services provided by Google which you will need to run your wesite smoothly and for earning some revenue from its traffic.
So create an account on Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tool, Feedburner and most importantly apply for a Google AdSense account, but let your blog get some age before you try getting an AdSense Account with that blog.
Become Active in BlogSphere Make a list of top bloggers in your niche while searching different keywords on Google you want to target on your blog.
Once you have that list, subscribe to their RSS Feeds and start leaving your feedbacks and comments on these blogs.
Another thing that you can do is send emails to these blog owners and ask them I'm interested in writing guest posts on their blogs.
When you send such emails to bloggers, there will surely be some bloggers who will turn back to you for guest post.
Apart from these, participate in blog contests, carnivals, and offer freebies to your blog readers.
Some Mixed Stuff Apart from this, create an account on Technorati for your blog.
Participate in discussion forums created around your blog niche.
Submit your blog in search engines, general directories and blog directories.
Create presence for your blog on websites like Squidoo, Hubpages, Google Knol and submit some of your articles on Ezine Publishing websites.
Make a list of some popular blogs in your niche and contribute their in the form of comments and guest posts.