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What Skin Type Are You?
Sensitive skin is often mistaken for oily skin, and normal skin is almost non-existent.
There are five different types of skin and each have different needs.
Using the right product will help it balance and get it as close to normal as possible.
But first, you have to figure out which type you have.
Normal: Blemish free with no dry patches, itchiness or redness.
You don't break out from certain foods, lotions or make up.
Your pores are relatively small, and you rarely need any concealer.
If you have normal skin, you still need to wash and moisturize to keep the balance, but you don't have to read the labels to find something that will work well.
Sensitive: Prone to bouts of redness, and seems to react with disapproval when you try something new.
Quite fussy and needs protection from the elements, as well as products that don't absorb too deeply into it.
You need gentle and calming ingredients that won't aggravate it and should use non-soap cleansers and organic toners.
Oily: One of the more common types, oily kind produces too much oil which causes the face to look shiny.
It's also prone to acne and blemishes because the excessive oil clogs pores, trapping bacteria and dirt.
A mistake with oily type is looking for ingredients that have a drying effect, as essentially this will force your body to produce even more oil.
Balance for this type means deep cleansing to unclog pores, and a lightweight soluble moisturizer.
Dry: While flaky, peeling or itchy is a good indicator of dry skin, it can also present as taught type, especially right after a shower.
Applying moisturizer doesn't always relieve it, and you find that applying lotions offers little relief.
Combination: If your forehead, nose and chin are oily and subject to break outs, but the rest of your face is either dry or normal, this is combination type.
It can be a frustrating problem trying to achieve the right balance, but there are products designed to give you all over PH balance for this skin type.
Once you've determined your skin type, look for products that cater to your needs.
If you have a specific problem you'd like to resolve, such as acne, talk to a cosmetician about which products will have the best effect on your skin type.
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