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Greek Letter Codes
Greek Alphabet Letter Codes
To display Greek letters on websites and in other applications, simply write the name of the letter preceded by an "&" and followed by a semi-colon ";". Omit the quotes when you use the code.
alpha - a
beta - ß
gamma - ?
delta - d
epsilon - e
zeta - ?
eta - ?
theta - ?
iota - ?
kappa - ?
lambda - ?
mu - µ
nu - ?
xi - ?
omicron - ?
pi - p
rho - ?
sigma - s
sigmaf - ? (ending form)
tau - t
upsilon - ?
phi - f
chi - ?
psi - ?
omega - ?
Greek Alphabet Letter Codes - Capital Letters
Initial (capital) letters are formed the same way, preceded by the "&" and followed by the ";", but spell them using a capital letter for the first character of the name - here are some examples:
Gamma - G
Delta - ?
Theta - T
Lambda - ?
Xi - ?
Pi - ?
Sigma - S
Phi - F
Psi - ?
Omega - O
Here are the Greek letters, in the order shown above:
a ß ? d e ? ? ? ? ? ? µ ? ? ? p ? s ? t ? f ? ? ?
Free: Learn the Greek Alphabet in Eight Three-Minute Lessons
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