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Condo Insurance - Fire and Theft

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Despite how important insurance protection is, many people opt to skimp on insurance protection, and this includes condo insurance.
Michigan residents, however, might be able to save money on condo coverage using the tips listed below.
Protect Your Condo Against Fire When it comes to condo insurance, Michigan insurance carriers might offer discounts if you install fire protection devices like smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.
Some insurance agencies also offer discounts if your condo is located close to a fire hydrant or fire station, so be sure to ask about these perks, as well.
Protect Your Condo Against Theft Many insurance agencies will offer discounts for owners or renters who install safety devices like deadbolt locks on their external doors and burglar alarm systems.
If these devices were already present in your condo when you purchased it and already included in your association's policy, you should still mention them to the company that provides your personal policy - you might still get a discount.
Store Your Valuables Away from Your Condo If you aren't covering your valuables with your condo's insurance policy, chances are you can lower your costs.
Plus, as is the case with most companies throughout the nation that sell condo insurance, Michigan carriers of condo coverage might place limits on the amount of protection you can place on your extreme valuables anyway.
Ask your insurance carrier about any discounts you can get or costs you can drop if you opt to store your valuables somewhere else, such as a safety deposit box.
Take Advantage of Your Age Sometimes individuals who are 55 years old or older, retired, and using the condo as their main residence can get discounts on their condo insurance.
Michigan condo insurance carriers can provide specific details, so don't forget to ask!
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