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How to Get Ripped Abs Fast? 3 Quick Muscle Building Exercises That Work
There is a ton of wrong info on quick muscle building...
which is why so many people fail.
Conventional six pack abs programs DO NOT work In other words...
and other 1 dimensional exercises (ones that only target 1 muscle group) are ineffective because they don't help you burn as many calories.
It doesn't matter how strong your midsection is if you have a layer of fat covering it...
it still won't look good.
Therefore you need to get rid of the fat...
and in order to get rid of the fat you need to burn calories.
In order to burn calories you need "whole body" exercises.
What are the 3 best COMPOUNDING workouts? Squats, deadlifts and bench presses.
There are plenty more but these 3 will get you the most bang for your buck.
What's the WRONG way to do them? Going to the point of failure.
Many quick muscle building programs advocate working out until you literally can't do another repetition in correct form.
The problem with this is that you won't have anything left in the tank for another set...
which means you can only do 1 set of each exercise.
This technique will actually improve your physique but not your strength.
I'm guessing you want to become stronger as well as getting ripped abs fast...
and if this is the case then stop each set with a little left in reserve for the next one.
How do muscles get stronger? Rest...
which is why 2-3 days of high intensity workouts is the best way to gain strength.
Anything more is overkill.
Ideally you should do no more than 1 exercise per day.
A couple days of light workouts is okay...
but anymore vigorous exercising will prevent your body from recovering.
This will put you at a higher risk of injury and might even make you weaker.
What's the RIGHT diet? Again, there is a lot of bogus info on this topic.
Natural foods are the only way you should be getting nutrition.
While supplements, hamburgs, hot dogs and fried chicken might have a lot of necessary protein and fat, it's the wrong kind of protein.
Nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables are some of the best foods to get the nutrition your body needs for quick muscle building.
This is how to get ripped abs fast and healthy.
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