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Time Management For Entrepreneurs - Be More Productive By Managing Your Time And Using Time Blocks
Time blocks have changed the way I am able to do business online productively. I use blocks of ninety minutes at a time, and do this three or four times each day. My first block of time begins very early in the morning, around six thirty or seven o'clock. I typically write articles or blog posts during this time. Then I take a thirty minute break to eat breakfast, go for a walk with my dogs, check email, or take a shower. I will then have one or two more blocks in the later morning, depending upon my schedule for the day.
My work space is comfortable and offers everything I need in order to be self sufficient working from home. I use three computers and am able to monitor social media from one, email from another, and have my writing on the third one. This enables me to be productive very quickly each day and still have easy access to what I need. I also invested in an office chair that is good for my back while I'm sitting at a desk each day for hours at a time.
My calendar makes it possible for me to plan out my schedule for months in advance. I recommend using both a desk and a wall calendar for best results. Medical offices have used this type of system for years, and it will work extremely well in your business.
Being able to manage your time will help you to increase productivity, as well as make it easier for you to take time off to spend as you please. Before I implemented any systems I was chained to my desk for eight to ten hours each day. Now I work for only four to six hours each day and accomplish more than I ever thought possible.
Make sure to focus on this aspect of your business so that you can be successful in your endeavors as an online entrepreneur.
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