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Personalizing and Targeting Therapy for COPD
Other Comorbidities
Other important comorbidities should be factored into the assessment and management of patients with COPD, including nutritional and musculoskeletal issues (e.g., being overweight or underweight; osteoporosis; peripheral muscle weakness); and psychosocial conditions (e.g., anxiety and depression). Of importance, peripheral skeletal muscle weakness leads to impaired exercise tolerance, not only in older, frail patients but also in less advanced COPD. Assessment of nutritional and metabolic biomarkers is clinically relevant in COPD, since distinct body composition profiles have been identified in COPD that relate to reduced physical functioning, increased osteoporosis risk and also increased cardiometabolic risk. Addressing nutritional and exercise goals, based on relevant metabolic biomarkers, would improve systemic aspects of COPD and improve quality of life for patients.
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