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How to Keep Looking Younger Without Surgery
Please do not think that in this I include all types of plastic surgery, on the contrary, there is nothing wrong with a nose or chin job followed by reasonable breast implants if one needs them, but this was not my problem
As a senior secondary teacher, I very quickly realized that not only firm and fair class room management was going to help me deal with my teenage students but also the way a look; by this I mean, young or old. The old was is definitively out as far as young people are concerned: if a teacher looks old, she should get out.
Plastic surgery was out of the question, first the cost was beyond my budget and secondly, I was not going to take the chance in getting my face botched up. I resorted to believing cosmetic advertisement would give me what I wanted. But I should have know better, all the creams, lotions and potions which were costing me a fortune did very little, except make me smell nice.
In desperation I went to see my doctor who also specializes in skin disorders. Hoping not to sound vain or stupid, I explained the situation and to my surprise she understood. Instead of telling me that there was nothing she could do she began saying what I wanted to hear: that even if I was getting older there was something that was going to help me look good.
I left the surgery with one prescription for Retin A and the name of a moisturising cream; Neo Strata Blue. She also advised that I should use these two creams with a very good sun block.. Her other instruction was that I had to be very diligent in my application of the creams and to take out a gym membership.
Well ladies, my diligence, gym workouts and perseverance with my daily routine have finally paid off. Not only do I think and actually see a much younger older woman, but even the students are remarking that there is something different about me.(after many years of teaching, I am still to meet a diplomatic teenager)
Naturally I do wear make- up and tint my hair but the difference is in the skin texture which no longer looks fragile and wrinkly. So, as far as I am concerned I have found my own fountain of youth.
I hope this little bit of information can be of help to some other senior ladies
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