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Anti-Aging - Men Care Too!
the rest of the gang burst out into loud guffaws and this guy of mine turned as red as the red-black checkered table-cloth in front of us.
Defiantly, I told them off by saying, "And? There's something wrong with THAT?" Silence.
I've always been of the opinion that everyone, men included, have the right to look good and feel good.
Just because women tend to age or look aged a little faster does not make all the anti-aging products, creams and treatments exclusive to them.
It is because of the mentality that society has about men going for facials or using anti-aging products that scares them off.
Sadly, it is also true that the world of cosmetics and skincare is firmly targeted on women and that is no one's fault because women are more predisposed towards beauty and are more aware of their outward appearance.
This may come as a surprise to come of the older generation (I might even term is as shock or disgust) but more men are beginning to put more than a little effort into maintaining their looks.
They're literally soaking it up.
Don't believe me? Take a good, long look at some of the advertisements in the papers today - wherever you are.
If you can spot one single advertisement for skincare product or facials for men, there you have it.
These men, not merely metrosexuals, are educating themselves about looking good, smelling good, feeling good and dressing up to impress.
While we, women, have been doing that for decades, it's about time some men catch up.
It's not a bad thing, if you think about it.
Anti-aging products like creams, skincare products and fragrances is a booming industry..
an explosion waiting to happen.
Some large International companies have begun marketing their 'for men' skincare products and we have done the same too for fragrances and that is because the fundamental requirements for men and women are poles apart! This caused a huge upsurge in men anti-aging skincare lines that men grab without spending a spare thought on.
The men are responding, the women are cautious, the industry is smiling.
Fantastic, isn't it?