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Cure For Anxiety - Eliminate Physical Factor With Medication
You can be free from anxiety any time, provided you choose to take action towards this end.
There is only one thing you need to do: seek medical attention.
You are now empowered to recognize the symptoms of the major anxiety disorders and therefore you should be able to ascertain when you need help.
The sooner you accept that you have a problem and address it medically, the sooner you would be free from anxiety related problems.
The ball is in your court - act swiftly.
Is Self Medication A Way Out? When you approach your medical practitioner, he or she would run you through a series of tests to rule out any other causes.
These would include ECG to rule out heart problems, because often anxiety symptoms would involve acute chest pain, blood tests to look for cortisone (the compound, which confirms stress and deficiency of vitamins and minerals) and thyroid function because anxiety symptoms can also be the outcome of a malfunctioning thyroid gland.
Sometimes, it looks like a lot of trouble to undergo to treat a simple tendency to worry too much.
You would be surprised to know that about 55 percent of all anxiety-affected patients choose not to go to a doctor because they feel they could "handle" it themselves.
How? They take over-the-counter drugs on advice from friends and from information found on the Net.
The result is that they would find themselves into greater trouble after a while, because added to their anxiety problems would now be the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of the drugs that they (mis)used.
An important thing that you should know and understand when you decide to self-medicate is that some of the drugs that initially feel "great" are not only habit forming but also build up tolerance.
In other words, you would need more and more to control what you have started with, and then some other combination of drugs to counter the super high feeling you get from the initial drugs.
You would then find yourself yo-yoing in between the uppers and the downers just to stay sane and function normally.
Another quick fix method, which is often used for 'managing' anxiety is taking to alcohol.
It starts harmlessly enough - 'have a drink or two to calm your nerves' and before you know you would be drinking to stay alive.
If you look through the various studies carried out over the past two decades or so, you would find that almost all the people enrolled with AA would be suffering from some degree of anxiety or depression.
Beware of the dangers.
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