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Sacerdos is thought to stand for sacris deditus "dedicated to the sacred things (divine worship)." Sacerdos is a generic name for an ancient Roman priest. Originally all sacerdotes (plural of sacerdos) were patricians, but in 367 B.C., plebeians joined their ranks.
A sacerdos had some sort of visible distinction, like a hat or the toga praetexta, and honorary seats in theaters, amphitheaters, and circuses.
- Latin Synonyms With Their Different Significations and Examples Taken From the Best Latin Authors, by Jean Baptiste Gardin Dumesnil, J. M. Gossett (1809)
- William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.
- Oskar Seyffert (1894) A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
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