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Dealing With Federal Bail Bonds
You'd be surprised, therefore, how few people fully understand the differences between federal bail bonds and normal state or county bail bonds.
When a federal crime is involved, it's going to cost you a huge amount of money to get someone out of jail, primarily because the crime is so serious and there is significant risk to the state if the prisoner is let out of jail, even for a short time.
Therefore, since the bail price is so high, bail bond agencies will require you to deposit more than they would normally ask for, proportionally speaking.
Instead of the usual 10% deposit, you're looking at something more like 15% due to the extra risk involved.
Not only will you have to put down more money, you'll also need a significant amount of collateral.
In federal cases, when bail is applied for, a nebia hearing will be called where the Indemnitor (co-signer of the bond) will be asked to produce proof that sufficient collateral exists to cover the full amount of the bond.
If this cannot be produced, the bail simply won't be posted, and it's back to the drawing board.
As you can see already, there are huge differences when dealing with federal cases, and you may find some bail bond agencies simply won't take the risk and will politely ask you to leave them alone.
This shouldn't surprise you, and it's probably for the best anyway.
Try to get in touch with an agency who has a lot of experience with federal bail bonds, because in the long run this will help make the process a whole lot smoother.
If you're bailing someone out after they've committed a federal crime, you need to be able to trust him or her.
Don't bail them out because you feel threatened, or because you think it's your duty; remember, it's your money on the line and nothing is worse than having to deal with the stress of an unruly criminal skipping out on their bail when your money is in the melting pot.
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