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Top 5 Seo Rat Race Reasons Why You Don" t Do Seo Yourself
Reason #1: I do not have the time to learn the basics.
Few small business owners have time. Not even many of the SEO small business companies who provide these services have time to do it for their own companies. Unfortunately there are only two ways around this. Either you as a small business owner realize that this is as important as balancing your invoices and make time, or you allocate an employee to make the time. Of course, you can hire a company to do it for you; it just wouldn't be doing it yourself anymore. We refer to "DIY SEO" as the company doing it themselves. This could be the small business owner's family member, relative or employee and will still fall under "DIY SEO".
Reason #2: I lack the technical knowledge.
We understand. That is why there are so many companies who provide these types of services. However, with the technology available at your finger tips, having a technical knowledge to do any of these services is no longer required. Let's define "technical knowledge" these days for SEO and web design. Basically if you know how to build HTML/CSS websites and conduct proper on-page optimization, you would fall into the category of having a technical knowledge. If you know how to send email, play on Facebook or conduct an online chat, you have enough knowledge to learn how to do search engine optimization. You do not have to have a technical knowledge to generate your own internet business leads.
Reason #3: I don't know where to start, too many options.
We absolutely agree with this. Between backlinking, social networking, on-page optimization and all the other phases, it is easy to get lost and discouraged. You can spend months on each of these phases learning and not generating a single lead. Our SEO Guide allows you to start on the right path and build the foundation, becoming an expert in each area of SEO while generating leads at the same time.
Reason #4: I can't compete with all these companies who provide these services.
Yes, you can. Some of these companies who sell these services were formed after learning how to do search engine optimization for their own businesses. New mediums and ways people are searching for your services or products are being created every day, and it is only getting bigger. This makes it easier than ever to carve out a little section to generate leads and grow from there.
Reason #5: I cannot write content.
Content is very powerful. If you are not a writer, it can be difficult to obtain content. However, you should be able to write down the history of your business, the products or services you provide, and how your customers can easily contact you. Ask someone in your family or a friend to proof what Microsoft Word couldn't, and you will be just fine for the time being. We will explain later in this guide.
These are the top five reasons given by small business owners who are hesitating to "DIY SEO". These reasons form the core to our building block guide to SEO. In our guide you will no longer see these reasons as an "SEO Rat Race"; instead you will have a SEO strategy that is within your reach and can be implemented fairly quickly.
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About Our Free SEO Guide:
Our Small Business SEO Strategy Guide is by no means a medium for turning you into a Local Search Engine Optimization Expert overnight; rather it is a SEO Guide to putting your business on the right track, allowing you to generate leads quickly and on your own. Once you have followed our SEO eBook, you are able to expand your knowledge in each phase listed in our SEO Guide. An explanation of the most important phases of search engine optimization has been condensed in our SEO guide.
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