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How to Get Your Life Back on Track When You Have Nothing

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    • 1). Find something to feel grateful for. Rather than focusing on your lack of material possessions or support, take time to appreciate your health, the people in your life who love you, and the bounty of nature. Write a list of things you feel thankful for and read them aloud to yourself. Include the fact that you desire to get your life back on track; feel grateful for the hope that you can do better, and the strength, willingness and resolve to try.

    • 2). Inspire yourself. Research the personal histories of people who have come back from tottering on the brink of hopelessness to rise to dizzying heights of success. Find aspects of their story that are similar to yours; acknowledge that if they could get their lives back on track, so can you.

    • 3). Locate your inner wisdom. Write down what you’ve learned from your experiences, and consider how your insight might help someone enduring a similar struggle. Recognize that your situation, while difficult to endure, might have a greater purpose.

    • 4). Seek assistance from government agencies that might be able to provide you with food, clothing, housing and shelter. Swallow your pride and look to friends and family members for help. Admit openly that you’re ready to change your life.

    • 5). Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto blame for previous mistakes will keep you emotional and mentally bound to the past. Let go, and assert your personal power and give yourself permission to move forward.

    • 6). Set goals, even if they seem impossible to attain. Motivate yourself by having something to work toward. Hold yourself accountable; commit to taking one step toward your goals daily, no matter how small.

    • 7). Seek strength from your higher and/or inner power. Acknowledge the invisible forces that created you and the world you live in; have faith that the same source can help you turn your life around.

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