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What Is Chronic Bad Breath?
But what will you do if it is you who have a bad breath? How can you feel talk freely to others, how can you be confident when you know that you are breathing a breath of shame? There are actually breath conditions that are only fleeting but there is also a term called a chronic bad breath.
Chronic bad breath is a condition that lets the sufferer suffer for a long period.
This is actually a very bothersome and shameful thing that a person necessarily needs to get rid off.
Otherwise, his self esteem is on the verge of drowning in the pit of shame.
It can be caused by many factors.
For one, this is a result of the improper hygienic habit of a person.
A simple practice of brushing the teeth every after eating does a lot of effect when not done well.
The particles left by the food that enters in your mouth can develop into harmful elements which will then lead to foul mouth odor.
They can attach themselves in the secured and undetected areas or spots in the mouth and eventually rot.
On some cases, the tongue can also be a carrier of bad breath causing germs.
Chronic bad breath can also be caused by a condition where the mouth cannot produce enough saliva.
As a result, there is drying of the mouth.
This in turn leads to the unhealthy odor that forms and stays in the mouth for a long time.
In case a person also loves to eat foods that have strong odored contents like garlic and some other spices.
This habit naturally causes the mouth to be accumulated with germs that cannot be removed by simple brushing of the teeth.
On the other hand, vices like smoking and drinking alcohol are also sure fire ways to furnish your breath with a foul fragrance.
A chronic bad breath causes many effects to the one who is suffering from it.
For one, a person loses self-confidence.
This is without doubt a very obvious effect for a person will not be able to speak in front of people or for most of the time mingle with other people.
Mouth odor can also be block to one's success.
Those who are even professionals only end up sulking in their own cubicles for fear of gossips and other criticisms.
Lastly, this can also have a direct on the health of the person.
Why? This is because foul breath may also be a result of the gum diseases and tooth decay that attack a person's mouth.
Thus, when this attaches itself to a person, then the gum diseases can also lead to worse effects on the body.
A mouth wash does not keep bad breath away forever.
Instead, it only covers up the problem.
When applied, it can bring a freshening effect in your mouth but in truth it will only do the trick for a couple of hours.
The proper treatment then is to cure the underlying cause like treating the gum disease and curing drying of the mouth too.
One can always visit his or her dentist for a professional advice.