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Medicus Golf Swing Aids Can Help You Play Golf Again

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It looked like I was going to need some golf instruction.
I seriously injured my shoulder last year in a gym accident and as a result had to have rotator cuff surgery.
That was the end of my golf game for 10 months.
I began swinging the clubs after about 6 months to try to get some flexibility back.
It was obvious that my previous good golf swing was gone and that I may have to give up the game of golf altogether.
I started to look for golf training aids to help me in my recovery.
I have seen several the infomercials on TV about the Medicus over the last year.
I have heard that it is the number one golf swing aid on the market.
The Medicus golf swing aid is known to be a great tool for beginning golfers.
According to the Internet, many people find that it will quickly teach the proper swing plane and tempo.
The medicus dual hinge shaft driver is especially popular with new golf enthusiasts as it allows you to practice just about anywhere.
Compared to other hinged shaft trainers like the Refiner the Medicus cost twice as much.
However, after watching the poor quality video that the Refiner website put forth I decided that if they could not make a decent video then they probably could not build a good club.
So I bit the bullet and laid out 135 bucks for the medicus.
The Medicus driver arrived at my doorstep at noon and I was at the range an hour later.
Almost immediately the loss of flexibility and range of motion became apparent.
At the end of my hour long practice session I was exhausted and frustrated by the lack of accomplishment.
The last 10 minutes I used my old Taylor driver to see if I had improved.
I was slicing and my drive was still well under 200 yards.
I knew I needed to spend a lot more time with my new golf swing training aid.
The Medicus golf swing aid and I had a regular morning and afternoon appointment for 10 days.
After about 3 days my repaired shoulder and the muscles that had not been using correctly began to complain loudly.
My hands were also still breaking down, that is getting too far ahead.
I was also too far inside at the top of my swing and I was starting my down swing a little too quick.
The double or dual hinge was not letting me get away with anything.
The Medicus golf swing aid was doing its job but I was obviously not.
I was seriously beginning to wonder if I would ever have a good golf swing.
The Medicus and I parted ways for while did some more physical therapy and strengthening.
Following the two week vacation where I watched instructional videos, the club and I headed back to the range for a workout.
In about 10 minutes was able to slowly swing the club without tripping the hinge.
However when I tried to hit a ball with the medicus the bad old habits came back.
Once I slowed everything down I was able to hit the ball about 100 yards without breaking the hinge.
I spent the last 15 minutes with a Pinemeadow Tour Series BLOC driver that a friend asked me to try.
I hit the ball straight right out to 190 yards with ease.
I grabbed my old Taylor driver and also hit it out about 180 yards straight as an arrow.
My slice was gone.
Apparently the Medicus had given me enough muscle memory to correct this golf swing problem.
My shoulder was starting to loosen up and my strength was returning to the point that we played 9 holes of Golf a month ago without problems.
I warmed up with the Medicus dual swing driver just before playing and then played a round of golf without slicing once.
To me this was a miracle since I had slice problem ever since I started to play the game of golf.
Even my iron game was improved especially with my 5 and 7 irons.
Since that day I have been able to play at least one round of golf each week and my drives are getting longer each round.
I am sure that I probably would have given up the game of golf if I had not used a good golf swing training aid to get my good golf swing back.
Actually now I have a better golf swing then before my accident.
I am considering the purchase of the Medicus 5 iron to further strengthen my game.
Never the less I am really pleased that something as simple as a golf swing instruction aid could allow me to play golf again.
I am playing better and if you play better the game is certainly more enjoyable.
Even if you do not have an injury I think the Medicus golf swing aid is a good investment in improving your good golf swing and your game.
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