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Thinking of Killing Your Self? Then THINK Again
You could have a million pound business with good and easy earnings. You could have a nice car, a nice bank balance, good holidays and lots of fun. You could be enjoying your life in king sized proportions, when something happens suddenly and you lose your business, your income, and you are finished. Your bank balance has gone to save the business, or you have to pay your creditors. Your car has been taken away, your home has huge mortgages, you have five credit cards and you can't pay the minimum on each. Your house is about to be repossessed and your family is in bad shape. You may think of killing yourself because you are loser. But think again.
You may not like to talk about this sort of thing, or read about this sort of thing, but I have lived this situation. It was back in 1990 - a long time ago, but in many ways it feels like yesterday.
When this situation arises, the first thing you need is support from your family. Think what you can save from drowning. You need to think of rainy days and save what you can. Everything may be in your own name, but it is a good idea to have some things in the name of other members of your family.
To keep your mind cool, watch films, look at pictures of your holidays, and enjoy the food you love the most. Don't just keep on thinking about your losses and debts. This will have a bad implication on your health. Just chill out. Go for walks and try to forget. As we celebrate our successes with others be shouldn't have to suffer our losses alone.
Set two hours a day for working on your debts. Speak to the bank and tell them your situation. As they know you are not a crook, and had not intention to take their money, and they know your credit history, not only do they want you to have a good future, they want to get their money back! So it's in their interest to be understanding. They will give you time so that you won't have to go bankrupt. This could be the end of your debt trauma. Bankruptcy is a certificate that will always keep debtors away from you.
Remember, if your good times did not last for long, then neither will your bad times. One day you will see the sunshine. One day you will be flying. One day you will have back what you lost. Trust me. I did, and so could you. Life is about living and not giving up. You could never know what could be next. Maybe it could be a jackpot.
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