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Adopt a Ferret and Experience the Thrill
It is not surprising that dogs and cats are the leading types of pets in the country but it may surprise you that ferrets are number three on the most popular on the pet list.
Ferrets are a very fun and lovable pet that can be trained and this includes litter training.
So you may want to adopt a ferret but be aware they do require a little special care and attention.
Diet is one of the areas of special consideration for ferrets.
They are meat eaters that expeditiously process food through their digestive system.
Even the most tasty non-meat foods will cause them problems.
So it is important to give them only meat based protein with a high fat content.
Their diet is so important that care must be taken even when buying commercial ferret food to insure it has the right ingredients.
Adopting a ferret involves more than feeding them the right food.
They are energetic little animals that burn calories rapidly so they need nourishment about every three or four hours throughout the day.
It is a good idea to have plenty of food and water readily available for them.
Because of their high energy levels you rarely see a fat ferret.
They naturally tend to eat only what they need and nothing more.
This is one area that really distinguishes them from man.
In the event your ferret begins to put on weight it is generally an indication of health problems and it should be addressed with your veterinarian.
Ferret food is available in either dry or canned types.
The dry style is preferable for several reasons.
It is easier to handle and the ferrets like it.
It is a good idea to feed them canned food occasionally to vary their diet.
Canned or dry it is important to insure that the food is low in carbohydrates and fiber and high in fat content and animal-type protein.
Besides diet another important consideration in ferret keeping is their living quarters.
It is not a good idea to give them the run of the house.
They should be kept in a roomy, well ventilated cage that allows them enough room to run around.
They love multi-level cages.
Regular cleaning of the cage is very important and the right kind of floor in the cage can be make the cleaning task much easier.
Linoleum or vinyl flooring is a very good choice and indoor-outdoor carpeting will also work.
Wood chips are a definite no-no because it will bring on breathing problems for the little creatures.
And it is a fact that a ferret can be litter trained just like a cat so in order to keep the cage as clean as possible install a litter box in the cage.
The litter in the box should be a pellet type made of paper and plant materials and it should be cleaned on a regular basis to encourage use by the ferret.
Ferrets make great family pets that can provide enjoyment for years if proper care is exercised.
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