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Losing Leg Fat the Easy Way
Losing Leg Fat
1. Standing long jumps
Almost any form of jumping is GREAT for firming up your legs and making them look nicer. Standing long jumps get good results without you having to leave your home. I'm sure as a child you had this as a test in gym class.
The only difference is that I want you to do multiple standing long jumps very fast. Basically, I want you to do 15 long jumps in 2 minutes. But here is the key... don't cheat yourself on these. Put full effort in them. It's easy to do 15 long jumps in 2 minutes when you're not putting in full effort, but it's a struggle towards the end of 2 minutes if you're putting in 100% effort.
Don't cheat yourself... give it your best. It's only 2 minutes and you only need to do these 2-3 times a week.
2. Jumping jacks
It's sad that this wonderful exercise is looked down on. It works great. Actually, it works even better for overweight people because of the extra weight. It puts more tension on the legs. I will say this though... if you have leg problems, don't do these because that extra tension in the legs will make things worse.
For these, do 2 minutes non-stop of as many as you can. Perfect during tv commercials. If possible work up to being able to do a total of 12 minutes of these each day.
This is losing leg fat the fast and easy way while never having to leave your home.
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