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How to Keep a Great Relationship With Your Boyfriend

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    • 1). Listen to your boyfriend. Communication is necessary for maintaining a healthy relationship. Take the time to listen to what he has to say, without feeling the need to speak quickly. As you are listening to him, focus on what he is saying. Do not spend that time trying to think of your next words, especially in an argumentative or heated situation.

    • 2). Tell the truth. To achieve an honest and committed relationship, base everything on truth. This means not lying, holding things back or omitting details. If you have a business meeting with a client who just happens to be an old high-school boyfriend, tell your current boyfriend immediately. Omitting the truth could lead to the end of your relationship. If the meeting really isn't a big deal, you should have no problem telling your boyfriend. Expect the same treatment from your boyfriend.

    • 3). Be a team with your boyfriend. No relationship is 100 percent fun and games all the time. Relationships involve good times and bad times, and you must side with your boyfriend even during the most difficult periods. Do not blame your boyfriend if he burns dinner, or use him as a punching bag if you had a hectic day at work. Focus on life's positive moments. Organize and plan your course of action as a unit, bounce ideas off each other and work together.

    • 4). Show gratitude. It can be easy to fall into a comfortable routine and take your relationship for granted. To nurture a relationship, show your boyfriend that he is appreciated and loved. Make him feel special. Take the time out to say, "I love you" or even "thank you." Write him sweet notes. Call him -- just because. Alternate date nights between what you want to do and what he wants to do.

    • 5). Engage in activities together. Relationships easily fall into the daily grind of waking up, going to work, coming back home tired as a zombie and plopping down in front of the television. Nourish your relationship with your boyfriend by partaking in regular activities for just the two of you. Take weekly jogs around the park every Sunday morning. Take ballroom dancing classes as a pair. Learn how to speak Italian. Doing things as a couple can help to bring you closer together. Many relationships suffer due to lack of quality time spent together, so make spending quality time with your boyfriend a priority.

    • 6). Do not threaten to leave him. No matter how intense your argument gets, never make the mistake of threatening to walk away -- unless, of course, you are serious. This can drastically and permanently change your relationship's dynamic, and you can't take those words back. If you are truly upset, instead of making empty threats he may take you up on, take some time apart to breathe and think. When a conflict arises, talk it out calmly and objectively.

    • 7). Say you're sorry. Do not have too much pride to apologize. During a stressful fight or period of disagreement, it can be difficult for people to admit when they are wrong. If you are to blame, admit it. Take responsibility when it's necessary, because you don't have to be right 100 percent of the time.

    • 8). Support your boyfriend. Romantic relationships should be about mutual support and respect. Discover your boyfriend's dreams for life. Do not discourage him or belittle him. He may have big plans to be the next Bill Gates and you may think he's joking, but don't discourage his goal. Animosity will build between you if you contribute to deferring his dream. Instead, find ways that you can help him nurture his goals.

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