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Kids Dental Health Activities
- Take the kids on a field trip to a dentist's office. Ask the dentist to show the kids around the office and discuss the tools he uses. Have the dentist explain what happens during a typical check up. Allow the kids to ask any questions they may have for the dentist. A field trip to the dentist may ease the fears that some kids have about dental check ups. Ask if the dentist can make a guest appearance if a field trip is not possible.
- Use a hard boiled egg to demonstrate what can happen to teeth if they aren't brushed and cared for regularly. Point out that the shell of the egg protects it, much as the enamel on teeth protects them. Fill a jar 3/4 full with vinegar. Ask for predictions on what will happen to the egg shell after being soaked in the vinegar. Place the egg in the jar of vinegar. Remove the egg carefully after two eggs. Allow the kids to observe the difference in the egg shell. Have them draw conclusions and relate the effects on the egg to their teeth.
- Demonstrate proper tooth brushing techniques on a model of a mouth. Allow children to practice brushing the teeth in the model of the mouth. Create a chart to allow children to track their teeth brushing activities. Add lines on the brushing chart for family members to also keep track.
- Talk about the effects of sugar and acid on teeth. Brainstorm a list of healthy foods that limit these ingredients. Make a goal to think of at least 25 healthy foods. Challenge the kids to think of more healthy snacks if they list 25 easily. Choose a few food items from the list to make for snack time. Encourage the kids to try some of the healthy foods that they've never tried.
Field Trip
Egg Shell Experiment
Brushing Chart
Healthy Snack List
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