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The ADHD Brain in Adults: Symptoms and Treatment
The name attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is actually misleading. It's not really a deficit so much as the inability direct attention efficiently. Prioritizing ideas and responsibilities and focusing on tasks is extremely difficult. The feeling that the brain is stuck on fast forward and the play button is broken is typical of most people and children with ADHD. They literally cannot control their thought process, so don't ask what they had for breakfast, you won't be able to follow the answer. It has nothing to do with willpower, or even self discipline. The brain just doesn't have the capacity to pay attention to one thing for longer than a split second, or so it seems. There is a flip side to this disorder. Ironically, they have the ability to hyperfocus (yes you read that right) on something that offers intense stimulation, like video games. My husband can play video games for eight hours straight. When he finally stops, he has no idea what time it is or how long he played. He only knows he's starving and he forgot to pee an hour ago when he felt he had to go. I can't play that long, but I have been known to play quite a bit. (In fact that's how my husband and I met, but that's another hub.) Forgetting to pee? No really, I've done that myself. Can you imagine how I felt an hour later when I remembered I was going to go do that when I got distracted by the wind whistling through the trees? Hyperfocusing on something like video games is, ironically, very relaxing for those of us with this crazy disorder.
If you notice I deliberately wrote that paragraph the way I thought it. There is some consistency, but you can see where some of the thought trains got a bit derailed. This is what it is like to live with ADHD. It's frustrating to say the least. It's rare that anyone can follow your train of thought, much less understand what you're trying to say. It's also very frustrating to want to focus on finishing something only to find yourself in the kitchen cleaning the countertops and then mopping the bathroom floor and €" oh right, that's what I was doing€¦ I was writing. It's taken me over a week to write this article.
Being tactful is also an issue. There is no filter. I've heard this called word vomit before and while it's not the most tasteful (ha ha) way to put it, it is accurate. Sufferers take no time to formulate their thoughts into tactful comments, or consider the consequences or impact their words may have. Many people are easily offended by this. There have been many times when I've offended someone and what I thought I said was not what was heard! This makes communication very difficult.
There is new scientific research that ADHD has physical indications in the brain. Certain areas of the ADHD brain are smaller than those of the normal brain €" the prefrontal cortex, the corpus callosum, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellar vermis. These areas and the functions they regulate coincide perfectly with the symptoms of ADHD. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for making decisions, and switching from one task to another. (Interestingly, the time it takes the brain to switch from task to task is a minimum of 300 milliseconds.) The corpus callosum is the connecting bridge between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Mood and impulse control is maintained by the basal ganglia which also connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum. The cerebellar vermis, which is part of the cerebellum, handles coordination and balance. My balance is horrible by the way. There is also evidence to support ADHD as a chemical imbalance. The levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine are not as high in adults and children with ADHD as they are in those without the disorder. This is why narcotic stimulant medications such as Dexedrine and Adderall along with newer, non-stimulant medications (Wellbutrin, Straterra) work so well, they increase the levels of these neurotransmitters enabling the person to focus and prioritize. Wellbutrin, specifically, is an antidepressant originally designed to help with smoking cessation. It is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) and has the added benefit of being non-narcotic. It works wonders! I still have the symptoms, but they're manageable. Incidentally for the adults, Wellbutrin has no sexual side effects like some of the stimulant medications.
Impulse control is very difficult for most adults with the disorder. Many people with high credit card debt have been diagnosed with ADHD (myself included). These people are not dumb however. They typically have a high IQ and are usually diagnosed with a learning disability in combination with ADHD and are unable to reach their full potential in school. Again, my husband and I are perfect examples. My husband did horribly in school, was diagnosed with a learning disability involving hearing comprehension, but has an IQ of 123. I did well in elementary school but horribly in college, I have no learning disabilities that I know of, but I have an IQ of 168; whereas, the average IQ is 100. ADHD medication can impact IQ usually raising it several points. This high IQ requires the brain to be able to process information almost inhumanly fast. Many of those with the disorder are wonderful in emergency situations, they are able to react quickly and remain calm because this is how their mind works on a typical day.
This disorder can be a blessing in disguise. ADHD sufferers have the uncanny ability to think outside the box. They see things from very different perspectives. They can also see and understand other people's perspectives. Empathy comes naturally for them because of this. They usually have a plethora of ideas, but lack the motivation and endurance to start something and see it through to completion. But despite all these shortcomings, those with ADHD have so much to offer society. They have new and innovative ways of doing and seeing things.
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