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What Are the Dangers of School Camping Trips?
- Since camping trips rarely take place at locations within walking distance, hiring a professional bus driver is usually necessary. Make sure the driver is certified, and if you must use a chaperone and his vehicle, understand that the school and chaperone will be liable for any accidents.
- Ensure that the supervisors on the camping trip (teachers, chaperones, camping counselors) are properly trained and can react to safety scenarios. Inadequate supervision or child-to-adult ratios can severely endanger children.
- Children that are not briefed on how they should act on the camping trip and what they should expect will not be prepared and will consequently pose a danger to themselves and others. Therefore, proper preparation programs need be in place.
- If schools do not ask a parent's permission prior to embarking on a trip, legal action can be taken against the school (regardless of whether or not there was an accident).
- Overnight camping trips present some additional difficulties to schools that regular school trips do not, since there is a longer time frame and a greater need for supervision. Ensure that all your gear is in working condition, that you are prepared for any camping-related injuries (including bug bites) and that the chaperones are prepared for a long (and possibly wet) weekend with a large group of students.
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